新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 20:00 2015/11/15(在线收听

 The Beijing Hour (Sunday)Evening EditionIt's Sunday November 15, 2015 - this is Paul JamesAnd this is Bob Jones - Welcome to the Beijing Hour, coming to you live from the Chinese capital. Coming up on the program this evening...

More details are being revealed about who the attackers are that left Paris soaked in blood on Friday evening.
Memorials have been popping up around the world in support of France in its dark hours.
Chinese President Xi Jinping and other world leaders set to meet at the G20 in Turkey today, with counter-terrorism likely high on the agendaIn the 2nd half of the hour, we'll bring you our weekly round up of the week's science and tech news.
In sports... both the Fed Cup finals and the start of the ATP Finals underway tonight in London.
More concerts are being cancelled in the wake of the deadly attacks in Paris.
All of that coming up in the next hour, but first, just a reminder there are several ways to reach out to us here on the Beijing Hour.
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Top NewsBreaking: Chinese Injured in Paris AttacksIt's being reported that one Chinese national was slightly injured in Paris Attacks on this past Friday.
China's Embassy in Paris has confirmed the newsNo more official detail is available by now.
Some Chinese media reports say the injured is a Chinese student studying in Paris.
She got hit in her belly when gunmen attacked the Bataclan Concert Hall on Friday night.
Details of attackers in Paris revealed by French ProsecutorsAnchor:
More details are beginning to emerge about who the people are who carried out Friday night's deadly terrorist attack in Paris, which has left 129 dead and over 350 others injured - around 100 of whom are clinging to life in critical condition.,CRI's Li Jianhua has more.
Islamic State militants have claimed responsibility for the attacks in Paris on Friday.
Seven attackers, who were heavily armed and wearing explosive belts, were killed.
As the investigation continues, details of the identities of two attackers have been given out.
Francois Molins, a Paris prosecutor, confirmed that one of the dead attackers, surnamed Mostefai, had been a 29-year-old French national who had a history of petty crimes, but who had never spent time in prison.
"This is an individual born on the 21 November 1985 in Courcouronnes in the Essonne region, known to the authorities for common misdemeanours, because his criminal record mentions eight convictions between 2004 and 2010. He was never imprisoned, but in 2010 was given an 'S' record for radicalisation, but was never implicated in a case or known to have been associated with a terrorist criminal."Mostefai's older brother said he hadn't had any contact for several years but was surprised to hear that his brother had been radicalized. In the meantime, the prosecutors are trying to find out whether he had traveled to Syria in 2014.
The other attacker, a suicide bomber, was found carrying a Syrian passport, which belonged to a migrant who had been processed on the Greek island of Leros. But the authenticity of the passport hasn't been verified as yet.
"Near the body of the suicide bomber who blew himself up at 2100 (2000 GMT) at the Stade de France, a Syrian passport was discovered in the name of an individual born in September 1990 in Syria. I would like to make it clear that this individual was not known to the French authorities."The Greek authorities say that the two people under investigation had registered in Greece as Syrian refugees.
However there is some evidence that the attackers may have had a possible link to Belgium after the arrest of four men near the French-Belgian border.
Among the four arrested, a French national was identified as the one who rented a black Volkswagen Polo with a Belgian registration that was spotted at the crime scene.
Eric Vandersypen, spokesperson for the Belgian Prosecutor's office, confirmed that the arrests at the French-Belgian border came after a car with Belgian plates was seen on Friday night close to the Bataclan theatre, where at least 89 were killed when watching a rock concert.
"It (operation) is about a car that has been registered in Belgium and was rented in Belgium and has been found back in direct location of the Bataclan."This is the fourth terror attack in France this year and marks the first time France has suffered from suicide attacks.
It's the worst such attack in Europe since the Madrid train bombings of 2004, in which 191 died.
While the investigation continues, the French government has confirmed the only aircraft carrier in the country's Navy's fleet, the Charles de Gaulle, will leave for the Persian Gulf on November 18, to join the fight against Islamic State in the region.
For CRI, this is Li Jianhua.
Updates on Paris Terror AttacksAnchor:
Over thirty hours have now passed since the coordinated terror attacks shocked Paris Friday night. People there are still reeling from the shock of the deadly events.
To bring us up to date with the latest from the french capital, we're joined on the line by our correspondent in Paris, Alexander Aucott.
Back anchor:
Thank you again. That was Alexander Aucott, CRI's correspondent in Paris.
UK Tightens Security Check in Wake of Paris AttackAnchor:
The UK has tightened security checks at its major international ports following the terrorist attack on Friday evening which killed close to 130 people and injured hundreds more. The measures come as a French man was arrested after he tried to discard a suspicious item in the North Terminal of Gatwick airport.
CRI's London Correspondent Duan Xuelian has the details.
UK Prime Minister David Cameron made a public statement after chairing a meeting with his top ministers on Saturday morning. He expressed his condolences to the victims of the Paris attack and vows that the UK will stand side by side with France in the fight against terrorism.
"They were killed and injured by brutal and callous murderers who want to destroy everything our two countries stand for: peace, tolerance, liberty. But we will not let them. We will redouble our efforts to wipe out this poisonous extremist ideology and together with the French and our allies around the world, stand up for all we believe in."Cameron stresses that the UK faces the same level of terrorist threat, and needs both the government and its citizens to remain vigilant.
"The threat level in UK is already at 'Severe' which means an attack is highly likely and will remain so. Our police and intelligence agencies work around the clock to do all they can to keep us safe. Ever since the coordinated firearm attack in Mumbai in 2008, we've all been working together to insure we could respond to such an attack. This summer, policy and other emergency agencies carried out a major exercise to test our response for multiple firearms attacks and in the light of last night's attacks, we would of course review our plans and make sure we learn any appropriate lessons."Downing Street says a small number of British citizens were among those dead or injured in the Paris attacks and the British Embassy is working with French authorities to find out more information.
In the wake of Friday's attacks, major ports in London, including St Pancras International which is a hub for Eurostar trains connecting London and Paris, have seen tightened security checks. And the north terminal Gatwick airport was closed for six hours because of the suspicious actions of one man. It has reported that police have detained a 41-year-old man who tried to discard his luggage at the airport.
Mark Rowley, London's Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner, says the ambition of terrorists is to create fear and distrust among the public. He advises the British public remain calm and inform the police should they discover any information about suspicious behavior.
"We have already trying to prepare for such attacks. We've got more officers on patrol. Overnight of course, we've look at our plans afresh and whenever something like this happens, we will review our stance and people would probably see in the next few days more police officers at public events and strengthened policing at ports."London's landmarks including the London Eye and Tower Bridge were lit up in the colors of the French flag in mourning of the Paris attack victims. A vigil was held at London's Trafalgar Square with hundreds of people gathering to pay their respects.
For CRI, I'm Duan Xuelian in LondonMemorials Held for Paris AttacksAnchor:
Memorials are being held around the world following Friday night's deadly attacks in Paris.
CRI's Luo Wen has more.
The Eiffel Tower stood dark on Saturday night, 24-hours after the worst violence in France since World War II.
The attacks in Paris have left many in the city in a state of shock.
To cope, some have decided to gather outside the restaurants where some of the attacks took place.
"There are no words.. apart from coming and mourning... I don't know... As far as I am concerned, I felt it was my duty to come here.""I don't feel like all of this is real, I mean, it's... it's just huge... I don't know, I don't have words... I would never have thought that this could happen in my neighbourhood, next to my home."And as people in Paris try to come to grips with what took place on Friday, memorials and tributes have been taking place in other parts of the world.
In Washington D.C., a make-shift memorial has sprung up near the White House at the statue of the Marquis de Lafayette, a close friend of George Washington who fought on the US side during the American Revolutionary War.
Paris-native Marie Benson is among those who stopped at the memorial in Washington to pay their respects.
"It's great to see that we're not alone. It's not just French people who are here but also Americans. I have a friend who's here from Colombia. We have a lot of support, and it's even great to see messages on Facebook, that the world supports us, people from different countries around the world. The messages of support have been wonderful."In Tehran, dozens of Iranians created a candlelight vigil outside the French embassy.
"This is not only a tragedy for France. It is shared by the whole world. I have to say that we are united against terrorists.""Unfortunately, today the world has turned into a place where people do not love each other, and easily let themselves sacrifice innocent youths who have no relation with politics, for their evil policies and thoughts."Here in China, social media sites such as Weibo and WeChat have been flooded with messages from people showing their support for the people of Paris.
At the same time, other tributes are also being held.
The Oriental Pearl Tower in Shanghai has been lit up in the red, white and blue French tricolour to show Chinese solidarity with France.
Other global landmarks, including the Sydney's Opera House, the Senate building in Mexico City, the CN Tower in Toronto and One World Trade Center in New York did the same.
But while the world takes stock of what has happened, a growing number of people in France are already starting ask questions about HOW something like this could happen.
"Questions, and one would also be waiting for answers from our political leaders, from our republic, from our representatives, from our president and from our ministers. I mean, just after Charlie Hebdo, we thought, ok, the Vigipirate plan will help us, it will save us, we are safe, we can carry on with our lives, we can keep on building our lives and believing. Today, it's clear that Vigipirate is not working. We have to find other solutions, or they have to prove to us that we can get out and do our shopping safely, normally."At the same time, the deadly attack is also triggering new debate about Europe's refugee policies and what role European countries will continue to play when it comes to the Islamic State.
For CRI, I'm Luo Wen.
Chinese Expert: Anti-Terrorism War Long Way to GoA Chinese anti-terrorism expert has said there is still a long way to go before terrorism is finally eradicated, although ISIS has been widely recognized as a global threat.
Li Wei from China's Ministry of Public Security says it's unlikely that Russia and the United State will cooperate in the fight against the ISIS in Syria, and this makes the problem complicated.
"Both air strikes led by Russia and the United States target ISIS in Syria, but on the other hand, Russia supports the government of the current President Bashar al-Assad, while the US takes the side of the opposition. They fight for different purposes which, to some extent, will hamper their further cooperation."Li Wei suggested the world's major powers should unite against terrorism, saying that disunity is a gift to the terrorists.
"Political environment is among the main factors that boost the growth of terrorism. We can see that the unrest that started to rage across Western Asia and Northern Africa over the past five years has provided a hotbed for terrorism that becomes rampant amid the split among major powers over the purpose of the anti-terrorism war."ISIS has claimed responsibility for the Paris attacks, while an Egypt-based militant group affiliated to it has claimed responsibility for the recent downing of a Russian passenger plane in Egypt's Sinai peninsula, killing all 224 people onboard.
China seeks trade, investment facilitation with Turkey: XiChinese President Xi Jinping is in Turkey for the upcoming G20 Meetings.
In the run up to the main Summit, Xi Jinping sat down for talks with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
During the meeting, Xi Jinping said China was ready to explore ways to facilitate bilateral trade and investment with Turkey.
He also suggested expanding the use of each others' currencies to facilitate bilateral trade and investment.
Xi Jinping also said security cooperation between the two countries should be deepened.
For his part, Erdogan said his country was ready to join hands with China to lift bilateral trade to a higher level.
The Turkish president also said Turkey would never allow any group to conduct anti-China activities or activities that undermine the Sino-Turkish relationship on its own soil.
Turkey hopes to extend economic cooperation with China at G20: economy ministerThe Turkish Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci says Turkey intends to use the G20 Summit to push forward its economic cooperation with China, and his country will also seek more cooperation opportunities with China during President Xi's visit.
"Very important projects are on the table, like the Silk Road, like the high speed trains from east of Turkey to the west, I mean, getting Asia connecting to Europe, and some projects on energy. These are going to be very important subjects during the meeting."Despite China's economic growth rate having slowed slightly, Zeybekci believes China will continue to strengthen economic cooperation with other countries through the implementation of the "One Belt and One Road" initiative.
"Chinese economy is going out for the investment, going out for the production, going out for the marketing, assembling to other countries. Then China is not going to have any problem because then the other countries are going to come up."He also said, as one of the original members of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), that Turkey will have more development opportunities together with China and other Asian countries and regions.
Fighting against terrorism likely to be highlighted in G20 SummitIn the wake of the Paris attacks, counter-terrorism is likely to be pushed to the top of the agenda at the G20 Summit, which is getting underway today in Turkey.
Despite the G20 traditionally being focused on global economic growth, this year's host, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has been calling for world leaders to make the fight against terrorism a priority.
Erdogan has made that push as part of a meeting ahead of the G20 with Chinese President Xi Jinping, who suggests the United Nations should be playing a bigger role in counter-terrorisim activities.
"China stands firm against all forms of terrorism that is an enemy of the human race and a global threat which needs global cooperation to handle. The role of the UN should be enhanced in coordinating international anti-terrorism campaign, while the international community should focus more on how to solve the root causes of the problem through political and economic steps."Meanwhile, Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, who is also in Turkey, says Australia will stand shoulder-to-shoulder with France.
"The attack in Paris was an attack on all humanity. We are in a common cause and we have a single common purpose to defend our values and our way of life and to defeat these terrorists and their assault upon us."French President Francois Hollande has been forced to skip the G20 Summit in the fall-out from attacks in Paris.
G20 leaders are set to have a working dinner today, where terrorism and migration will be discussed.
This is going to be followed by a joint statement from the leaders, which will likely include broad-stroke plans for fighting terrorism.
China deserves larger role in global governanceA leading academic has said he believes China will innevitably take on a larger role in global governance.
Jeffrey Frank, a professor with Harvard University's Kennedy School, said China should obtain a larger share in governing the world, as its economy weighs so much internationally.
"It's appropriate with a larger economy, China has a larger sharing of global governance. And that's why I think it's a good thing that China and the other big emerging market countries are in the G20 which has kind of replaced the G7 as the most important forum for discussing these issues."He also added that China also deserves a bigger role in international institutions such as the International Monetary Fund.
APEC CEO summit chair anticipates Chinese delegation to play vital roleThe Chairman of this year's APEC CEO summit Tony Tan Caktiong says China's participation in the forthcoming meeting is highly anticipated.
His words come as a delegation of over 200 Chinese business leaders prepare to attend APEC's CEO summit in the Philipine capital Manila, taking place Monday and Tuesday.
Tony Tan says the large Chinese delegation reflects the country's key role the global economy.
"So I think whatever China does of course will affect everybody. That's why we need China to be actively participating. And we are so happy that there's a big delegation of, aside from the government side, the private sector side. The CEOs are coming and that's a very good sign."Tan added that President Xi Jinping's closing remarks would be one of the highlights of the CEO summit.
Over 1000 delegates along with 16 world leaders are set to gather at this year's CEO summit, which has as its theme 'inclusive-growth'.
Palestinian Female RacersAnchor:
A new documentary about an all-female racing-car team is hoping to put Palestinian women into pole position. The exploits of the 'Speed Sisters' have been turned into an award-winning documentary and aims to break down stereotypes about the Arab world.
CRI's Nick Harper reports from New York.
Behind the wheel the Speed Sisters sound like any other racing-car team.
But take a closer look and you see things not normally associated with the dirt and grime of racing - like bright pink nail polish and diamond rings.
But then again this team is a little different.
The Speed Sisters are the first all-female racing-car team in the Arab world.
Noor Daoud passion for cars started early.
Noor Daoud, Palestinian car-racer"Since I was a baby. Instead of playing with other toys I was always playing with cars and collecting them. It was really weird. I had a bunch of cars, always. I've loved cars since I was really young."Now 26 years old, Noor has been racing since 2009, initially doing speed tests before switching to the sport of drifting.
"It's the most amazing feeling I've ever had in my life. For me it's my passion, it's in my blood, I feel really happy, very relaxed, I feel in a different world."The documentary 'Speed Sister' shows Noor and the team customizing their ordinary cars to create souped-up racers, and competing in this male-dominated sport.
But it also looks at the challenges of racing in the West Bank, an area with no race tracks.
At one point, while practicing on land near an Israeli military facility, one of the team is hit by a gas canister.
Even so, director Amber Fares wanted this to be more than just a story about a people under occupation.
"The types of images of how Arabs were portrayed in the media were all of a very particular thing. And I just felt that we needed to have more of a variety of stories that were coming out of the Middle East that showed different perspectives, that it wasn't just all around war and fanaticism."Noor and Amber have taken time away from the race track to come to New York to promote the film. Amber says it's already received a strong, positive reaction for audiences.
"We've seen people who have seen the film and come up to us and said 'I really want to learn more about this area, it's awfully more complex than I thought or different than I thought'. And if this film inspires people to basically stop and start to think about their own stereotypes or conceptions of what is happening in that region then I think thats, then the film is wells served - that's a great thing."With its mixture of friendship and family, in a troubled part of the world, Noor hopes this documentary encourages viewers to re-think their perception of Palestinians.
"You know showing the world that Palestinian women can achieve and they're talented and we just want to show that we're not only under occupation, you know, we're doing something, that we have a talent and we want to show it".
Speed Sisters premieres in New York this weekend.
For CRI, I'm Nick Harper in New York.
Zimbabwean President looking forward to President Xi's December visitThe Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe has described Chinese President Xi Jinping's forthcoming visit this December as of great significance to this southern African country.
President Xi's trip will mark the second time that a Chinese state leader has visited the country since the establishment of diplomatic ties with one another.
Robert Mugabe went on-recard as saying China was Zimbabwe's greatest friend.
"We actually await the visit with very great interest, and when he visits us we shall be discussing some of the projects and programs we would want China to assist us in undertaking. But it's more than the visit of the Chinese head of state - that is very important to us, yes. We'll discuss programs of cooperation."The Chinese President is due to visit Zimbabwe on Dec 1st and 2nd.
Following this visit, President Xi is also scheduled to attend the sixth ministerial meeting of the China-Africa Cooperation Forum in South Africa.
WeatherBeijing will have slight rain tonight with a low of 6, tomorrow will be cloudy with a high of 9.
Shanghai will have shower tonight with a low of 15, more shower tomorrow, high of 20.
Chongqing will be overcast with a low of 15, tomorrow will also be overcast, high of 18.
Lhasa will be clear with a low of minus 2, tomorrow will be sunny with a high of 16.
Elsewhere in Asia,Islamabad will be cloudy with a high of 23.
Kabul, cloudy, 10.
Down in the Southern Hemisphere.
Sydney, cloudy, high of 21,Brisbane,slight rain,23,Perth, cloudy, 33,And finally Auckland, New Zealand will have slight rain with a high of 16 degrees Celsius.
Headline newsChina seeks trade, investment facilitation with Turkey: XiChinese President Xi Jinping is in Turkey for the upcoming G20 Meetings.
In the run up to the main Summit, Xi Jinping sat down for talks with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
During the meeting, Xi Jinping said China was ready to explore ways to facilitate bilateral trade and investment with Turkey.
He also suggested expanding the use of each others' currencies to facilitate bilateral trade and investment.
Xi Jinping also said security cooperation between the two countries should be deepened.
For his part, Erdogan said his country was ready to join hands with China to lift bilateral trade to a higher level.
The Turkish president also said Turkey would never allow any group to conduct anti-China activities or activities that undermine the Sino-Turkish relationship on its own soil.
129 dead, 352 injured in Paris attacksParis prosecutor Francois Molins says that it appears three teams of extremists coordinated the attacks in the French capital on Friday night.
The attacks have so far killed 129 people and wounded 352.
The number is likely to rise as nearly 100 of the injured are in critical condition.
Among the 129 victims, 89 were killed during the shooting and hostage taking in Bataclan theatre.
Meanwhile, French officials are saying a person of interest, who had hired one of the cars used in the attacks, was stopped along with two others at the Belgian border.
In addition, one of the terrorists has been identified as coming from a Paris suburb, while another had a Syrian passport.
The Islamic State group has claimed responsibility for the attacks that also targeted restaurants and a football stadium.
Four Turkish police wounded in operation on IS cell houseFour Turkish police officers were wounded late on Saturday in an attack by an Islamic State suicide bomber in southern Turkey.
Local media reported the suicide attack happened during a police raid on a cell house of the group in Gaziantep province as police caught one insurgent attempting to flee.
The police raid followed an investigation into two suicide bombings in the capital Ankara on October 10.
The bombings left 102 people dead and hundreds injured.
Death toll in east China landslide rises to 21The death toll from a landslide in east China has risen to 21, with 16 people still missing.
Only one person has been rescued so far and is now being treated in hospital.
Torrents of mud and rocks buried 27 homes and flooded 21 houses after the landslide hit a village in Lishui city in Zhejiang Province on Friday night.
More than 23-hundred people have been helping with the rescue effort.
Lishui has reported heavy rain over the past two days.
Gas explosion injures 27 in north ChinaA gas explosion in north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region has injured 27 people, with said to be in critical conditions.
The accident happened on Sunday evening in a fast-food restaurant in the regional capital Hohhot.
The explosion was reportedly caused by improper handling of liquefied gas by restaurant staff.
Further investigation is underway.
Sci&Tech (Sunday)Sci&TechAnchor:
It's time now to check in with what's been happening this past week in the science and technology sector.
In today's edition of our Sci-Tech report, we'll detail an award given to a Chinese scientists for a breakthrough in physics, and tell you how US scientists are growing human brains in petri-dishes.
Here's CRI's Wen Jie.
Chinese team wins breakthrough prize for neutrino researchA group of Chinese scientists has been awarded the 2016 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics for their contribution of neutrino oscillation.
Wang Yifang, from the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, attended the award ceremony at the NASA Ames Research Centre.
He is the director of the team behind China's Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment.
"I attribute this prize to the joint and relentless efforts of our team members. And a lot of hard work has been done in the past 30 years for China's high-energy physics to have today's achievements."Established in 2006, the Daya Bay team discovered the value of the angle theta one-three, the last of three long-sought neutrino mixing angles, in 2012.
The groundbreaking achievement is based on analysis and measurements of how the oscillation process varies with neutrino energy by some 200 scientists from six countries and regions around the world.
Wang Yifang says the discovery is of great importance to neutrino research:
"This result laid a solid foundation for further research on cosmology and particle physics and provided a direction for further research on neutrino."This is the first time that Chinese scientists have won the prize.
The prize is one of three awarded by the Breakthrough Foundation for outstanding contributions in life sciences, fundamental physics, and mathematics.
China completes production of dark matter satelliteChina has completed production of a satellite for probing dark matter in a laboratory in Shanghai.
After a stringent inspection process, the satellite has been delivered to the rocket launch site in the northwest Chinese City Jiuquan and is scheduled to be launched into space in the mid-half of December.
The satellite is tasked with studying dark matter, an elusive hypothetical substance that is impossible to see using telescopes.
The first of its kind in China, the satellite has the widest observation spectrum of other similar satellite probes around the world.
Li Huawang is the chief designer of the satellite system, the Dark Matter Probe Project.
"The world has sent two or three such satellites into orbit. Compared with them, this satellite has a wider observation range, a greater energy spectrum and is more capable."With an operational working duration of three years, the satellite will search dark matter by observing and categorizing high-energy particles and gamma rays in space.
Massive northeast Greenland glacier rapidly melting: studyA new study is suggesting the effects of global warming on the polar glaciers is becoming increasingly obvious.
Researchers with the University of California are warning that the melting of a glacier in northeastern Greenland, known as Zachariae Isstrom, has the potential to raise global sea levels by half-a-meters as it continues to come unmoored and crumbles into the ocean.
After analyzing data acquired from aerial surveys and satellite observations, researchers at the University of California say they believe the glacier had entered a phase of accelerated retreat since 2012.
They say the glacier is breaking up and calving high volumes of icebergs into the ocean, losing mass at a rate of 5 billion tons per year.
The team says the top of the glacier is melting away as a result of the steadily increasing air temperature.
At the same time, they say its underside is being compromised by currents carrying warmer ocean waters into the Arctic region.
Scientists to launch multinational precision medicine trial for deadliest brain tumorResearchers from China, the United States, Australia and Europe are launching a multi-national set of trials for a possible treatment of glioblastoma multiforme, otherwise known as GBM.
GBM is the most common and deadliest form of brain tumors in adults.
The trial, called GBM Agile, will test multiple treatments based on the "molecular profile" of a patient's tumor.
Through the process, the treatments that don't show results will be dropped from the trial to allow patients to start on other agents or combinations more quickly.
Scientists involved in the study say they believe the molecularly-targeted approach, known as "precision medicine," can help speed up the discovery of effective therapies for specific GBM patients.
An estimated 35-thousand people in China are diagnosed with GBM every year.
Right now, only around half of GBM patients will survive for a year or less.
The 5-year survival rate for GBM sufferers is less than 2-percent.
The multi-national trial is set to begin enrolling patients by the middle of nextyear.
US researchers grow brain parts to study diseaseResearchers in the US are growing parts of the human brain to study disorders and develop new treatments.
At Stanford University, brain cells are being grown into tiny balls of tissue in petri dishes. Each of them carries the DNA of a human.
These are the new window into the human brain.
Dr. Sergiu Pasca is on the research team. As a neuroscientist, until now, he could not directly study key portions of a living brain.
"We think it's exciting because it's essentially providing us another tool in the arsenal of tools that we have for studying the brain."This lab isn't the only one to grow its own cell structures.
Although brain cells in lab-grown tissues show some activity, nobody has created fully functioning adult human brains.
So far this research hasn't yet raised any ethical concerns.
Finnish technical research center brings smart display onto ordinary glassesResearchers in Finland have developed a virtual display with the functionality of a smart phone which can be integrated into ordinary glasses.
The technology is based on lightguide optics.
This technology can transmit digital information into a user's field of vision when a high-definition image is displayed on the lens of eyeglasses.
Researchers say the size of the virtual image is equivalent to looking at a 60-inch TV screen.
Compared with existing smart glasses, the new Finish technology is more advanced, as the images can be transmitted on glass only one-millimeter thin.
Finnish researchers say the technology can be applied to numerous areas.
It's expected to be available for commercial use in around a year.
UAE Airshow – Middle East hoping to cash in on the drone boomUnmanned Aerial Vehicles, often known as drones or UAVs, have been attracting increasing attention lately.
At the Dubai Airshow, which just came to a close, UAV makers were looking to expand the market, commercially and militarily.
ADCOM Systems is an Abu Dhabi-based manufacturer. They were exhibiting a range of military drones.
While the US and Israel have long been considered to be the leaders in drone technology, the Middle East is now also making a name for itself in this sector.
Dr. Al Dhaheri is the General Designer and CEO of ADCOM Systems.
"Well, we are the three main players in the world, definitely we compete for the customers. Our system now – our strategy and our system – is to manufacture it around the world. Now we are establishing ourselves in the UK, in Wales and then we will go for Canada and other countries."Besides military drones, there are also UAVs suited to surveillance, security intelligence gathering, even deliveries.
According to a recent study by the aerospace and defense intelligence consultancy Teal Group, spending on UAV production is set to triple in the next decade.
UAE Motor Show Wrap- Cadillac hoping to drive Gulf salesStaying in Dubai, the Dubai International Motor Show wrapped yesterday.
General Motor's luxury car brand Cadillac became the first ever luxury automaker to make an international unveiling of a vehicle at the five-day event.
The Cadillac 2017 XT5 is the first of a series of four luxury crossovers, boasting lightweight construction, efficiency and driving performance.
It's also packed with new technology, including a rear camera mirror, Apple Carplay and Android Auto Compatibility.
Felix Weller, is Managing Director of Cadillac Middle East.
"We're very pound to have the XT5 as a global reveal outside of the US, for the first time that a car manufacturer in the luxury segment launches a car at the Dubai Motor Show, and we have chosen Dubai as a market because the region is the fourth-largest market for Cadillac in the world and it's also the fastest growing premium brand in the region."Cadillac says production will begin on the XT5 in the US and China next spring.
The Cadillac has had a presence in the Middle East for over 85 years. The total sales in the UAE is set to top 425-thousand, by the end of this year.
Cadillac was hoping to embrace that growth by making a big statement - They increased their floor space at the show by over 70 percent compared to the last event two years ago.
The Dubai International Motor Show is held every two years in November.
And that brings us to the end of this edition of our weekly science and technology report.
I'm Wenjie. See you next week.
SportsTennis: Fed Cup finals underway in London ahead of ATP Finals startIn Tennis,The final matches of the Fed Cup Finals are underway London today, with the Czech Republic and Russia tied at one-match each heading into this Sunday's final matches, which are being played under tighened security in the wake of Friday's attacks in Paris.
The first match will have Maria Sharpova taking on Petra Kvitova.
Both of those women won their first matches on Saturday, with Sharpova dumping Karolina Pliskova 6-3, 6-4, while Kvitova started slow, but rebounded to beat Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova 2-6, 6-1, 6-1.
The 2nd match of the day will have Pliskova against Pavlyuchenkova.
In doubles, the Czech pair of Lucie Safarova and Barbora Strycova will take on Ekaterina Makarova and Elena Vesnina.
Czech President Milos Zeman was due to attend today's finals in London.
However, because of Friday's terror attack, he's decided to cancel so he can meet with his security cabinet.
The Fed Cup is the women's version of the Davis Cup, which pits players from nations around the world against one-another.
----The first group matches of the ATP Finals in London are also getting underway today.
It will be top seeded Novak Djokovic up against Japan's Kei Nishikori.
Nishikori, who comes into the ATP Finals ranked 8th, does have a surprisingly decent head-to-head record against Djokovic, with the 25-year old from Japan having taken 3 of the 8 matches they've played.
However, Djokovic is definately the man to beat in London, coming into the season-ending tournament having dropped just one set in his last 15-matches.
--The other match tonight has 3rd seed Roger Federer up against number-6 Tomas Berdych.
Federer has owned Berdych this year in the two head-to-head matches they've played, winning both in straight-sets, with Berdych unable to break Federer's serve in either match.
Badminton: China cleaning up in finals of BWF Super Series event in FuzhouIn badminton action,The Finals of the China Open Super Series event are taking place this Sunday, with Chinese shuttlers taking home a number of victories.
In the women's double's final, it was the Chinese pairof Yu Yang and Tang Yuanting winning, getting past a pair from Japan in a 3-set match.
--The top-seeded Chinese duo of Zhang Nan and Zhao Yunlei getting past a pair from Denmark to take the Mixed Double's crown with a narrow, 3-set win.
--In the Women's Single's event, Li Xuerui's dominance over India's Saina Nehwal in the Super Series continues.
Li Xuerui, who is ranked 7th in the world in women's singles, only needed 39-minutes this afternoon to dispatch Nehwal in straight-sets, 21-12, 21-15.
In the 12 head-to-head matches these two women have had over the last year in the Super Series, Li Xuerui has won 10 of them.
Despite her loss in the final, Nehwal will move closer back to her world number-1 status which she conceeded to Spain's Carolina Marin about a month ago.
---In the men's final, it's top seeded Chinese shuttler Chen Long up against Malaysia's Lee Chong-wei.
The Malaysian is into the Final at the Super Series event in Fuzhou after getting a monkey off his back in the form of Chinese veteran Lin Dan.
The former world number-1, who is trying to climb his way back up the world rankings after being hit with doping violations earlier this year, finally managed to get past Lin Dan in a 3-set battle yesterday.
It was Lee Chong-wei's first victory over Lin Dan in almost 4-years.
--And later tonight in the Men's Doubles Final, its the 6th-seeded Chinese duo of Chai Biao and Hong Wei up against a pair from South Korea.
Football: Sweden holds off Denmark for Euro2016 qualifying winIn football,There's one match tonight in European Championship qualifying.
Norway is in Budapest to take on Hungary.
The Norwegian side faces an up uphill battle, after dropping the first leg at home 1-nil.
With Europe still reeling from Friday's terrorist attacks in Paris, Norway head coach Per-Mathias Hogmo has taken time to address the issue ahead of tonight's match.
"Well, our thoughts go to the families and all the people who are suffering, and in this situation words are getting so small. But I want to give some words from Martin Luther King, Jr. Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that."---A pair of Euro2016 qualifiers from earlier this morning saw victories for both squads at home.
It was Ukraine earning a 2-nil victory over Slovenia in the first leg of their home-and-home.
And it was Sweden holding off Denmark 2-1.
Sweden head coach Erik Harmen says his squad will need to play tighter in their own end this coming week if they hope to book their spot in France next year.
Both Sweden and Ukraine will look to advance into the Euro2016 tournament when they play their away matches on Tuesday.
-----------In World Cup qualifying from earlier this morning from Africa,Gabon has become the first team to move through to the final qualifying round in Africa, getting past Mozambique 4-3 in penalty kicks after squeezing out a 1-nil victory after 90-minutes.
In other action,It was Botswana upsetting Mali 2-1 in their first match in their head-to-head series.
--Chad has the early advantage, blanking Egypt 1-nil at home.
--It was Congo squeezing out a narrow 4-3 home win over Ethiopia.
--And it was Tanzania, ranked 135th in the world, holding Africa's 2nd ranked squad Algeria to a 2-2 draw in the first leg of their World Cup qualifier.
Golf: Swede comes out of no where to win BMW Masters in ShanghaiIn golf,Sweden's Kristoffer Broberg has earned his first European Title in resounding fashion.
The 29-year old Swede rolled in a 12-foot birdie on the first extra hole to down American Patrick Reed for the BMW Masters title at the Lake Malaren course in Shanghai.
Broberg made it into the championship playoff off the back of a 4-under-68 today to finish tied with Reed at 17-under for the tournament.
Four others, including Broberg's Swedish compatriot Henrik Stenson, finished tied for 2nd.
---At the PGA stop in Mexico,American Derek Fauther sits at minus-16, which is good for a one-stroke lead over fellow American Jason Bohn heading into the final round at the OHL Classic at Mayakoba.
Lass week's winner in Shanghai, Scotland's Russel Knox, is among a group of 4 tied for 3rd at minus-13.
--And at the LPGA's Lorena Ochoa Invitational,Imbee Park has opened up a 3-stroke lead over fellow South Korean Kim Sei-young heading into the final round later tonight at minus-10.
Basketball: Golden State survives scare to win 11th straightIn basketball,The Golden State Warriors just keep on finding ways to win, though this one requied a lot more drama than most expected against the lowly Brooklyn Nets.
The 1-8 Nets appeared poised to be giant-killers this morning on the road in Oakland, with Thaddeus Young putting Brooklyn up by 3 with a pair of free-throws with just 10-seconds left.
However, it was not to be.
Andre Iguodala pulled up from 27-feet and drained a 3-pointer just 4-seconds later to pull even with Brooklyn, then dominated in overtime for a 107-99 victory this afternoon.
Stephen Curry once-again leading Golden State with 34-points, giving the defending NBA Champions their 11th straight win to start the season.
A full-slate of games once again in the China Basketball Association, with all 20-teams in action.
Among the games, its the league's two undefeated teams at home to the league's last two teams without a win.
Xinjiang is at home to the Jiangsu Dragons, while Sichuan entertains Foshan.
Hockey: NHL teams hold minute of silence, play French anthem to honor Paris victimsIn the National Hockey League,A busy night in the league, which also paid tribute to the victims of the Paris attacks on Saturday night, with all the teams in action pausing to commemorate the victims.
In the French-Canadian metropolis of Montreal, where many people have ties to France, fans there gave a rousing ovation after the French National Anthem was played following O'Canada and the Star Spangled Banner.
However, the stirring ovation didn't do much to help Montreal on the ice, as the Canadians were hammered by Colorado 6-1 this morning.
UFC: Ronda Rousey upset in AustraliaIn action last night in the Ultimate Fighting Championships,Holly Holm is the new women's bantamweight champion.
Holm knocked out Ronda Rousey in the 2nd round following a devastaing kick to the head in the main event of UFC 193 in Melbourne, Australia last night.
Rousey had been undefeated in her previous 12 UFC fights, and had defended her title 6 times before last night.
Racing: Rosburg takes pole for Brazilian GPIn F1,Nico Rosberg won his 5th straight pole position for Sunday's Brazilian Grand Prix, edging out Mercedes teammate Lewis Hamilton.
Hamilton hasn't taken pole since the Italian GP in early September.
However, that doesn't really matter, as Hamilton has already secured this year's Drivers Championships.
EntertainmentFirst Oscars of Season to be presented amid tight securityTight security following the Paris terror attacks was in place for Saturday night's seventh annual Governors Awards, where Spike Lee, Gena Rowlands and Debbie Reynolds were to receive the first Oscars of Hollywood's award season.
Los Angeles police say security for the star-studded ceremony at the Hollywood & Highland Center was increased in the wake of the attacks, as it would be at several other high-profile events around the city on Saturday night.
In addition to security, emotions at the Governors Awards were expected to run high, too, as celebrities reflect on the attacks while trying to maintain the gala's usual air of celebration for the film world's best.
Film academy President Cheryl Boone Isaacs opened the Governors Awards with words of support for France.
This year, Lee and Rowlands will accept Oscars for career achievement.
Reynolds will receive the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award in recognition of her long-standing commitment to raising the awareness of mental health issues.
U2, Coldplay And Foo Fighters Cancel Concerts After Paris AttacksU2 and Coldplay have canceled concerts in Paris following the tragic attacks that claimed at least 129 lives on Friday.
A spokesperson for U2 has revealed that the U2 Paris concert scheduled for 14th November will not be going ahead as planned.
Coldplay has also canceled their live stream concert which had been scheduled for Friday in Los Angeles.
The band said in a statement that the concert was being postponed out of respect for the terrible events in Paris.
Fellow rock band Foo Fighters have also announced that they would be canceling the rest of their tour in the wake of the attacks.
Justin Bieber, who had three live stream concerts scheduled for Friday, decided not to cancel them.
The singer said that he found out about the events after his first performance and used Twitter to send his thoughts and prayers to the people affected.
Justin Bieber Releasing New Music Video Per Hour for All 'Purpose' SongsJustin Bieber fans rejoice - his fourth album, Purpose, is finally here.
The 21-year-old pop star celebrated the release on Saturday by sharing a new music video every hour for each track on the long-awaited album.
Bieber shared the new videos in the order the songs appear on Purpose.
Together, the videos create a film titled 'Purpose: The Movement', which Bieber premiered at Los Angeles' Staples Center on Friday night.
The hourly releases won't include a new version of the previous video for "Sorry," but the track does appear in the film.
MAMA 2015 D-20: Big Bang Maintain Stronghold Over Key Categories Including Artist, Song Of The YearThe 2015 M-net Asian Music Awards (MAMA) are less than three weeks away, South Korean pop band Big Bang dominate the popular vote in key categories including Artist of the Year and Song of the Year.
Big Bang are edging out EXO in the Best Male Group category with 32.5 percent versus 30.2 percent of the fan vote.
However, both acts maintain a significant lead over Super Junior.
Super Junior are currently placed third with 16.5 percent.
Big Bang also lead the Best Music Video category for "Bae Bae".
The popular group connected with fans throughout Asia and North America, during their MADE tour, which - according to a recent report published by Billboard - yielded one of the highest grossing concerts in Los Angeles of 2015,Domestic and Foreign Performing Staged in the China Shanghai Int' Art FestivalOriginal domestic and foreign performing arts productions being staged at the ongoing 17th China Shanghai International Arts Festival have been attracting investors' attention.
A new dance drama, Under Siege, from the Chinese dancer Yang Liping, has been invited to perform in London in 2016, getting the invitation on the second day of its show at the fair.
"We are not only presenting a tradition, an ancient culture. We are presenting our culture and tradition in an international vision."At the same time, the Chinese original puppet show "Dad's Time Machine" and children's music show "Carrot Planet" were staged at the arts festival, while international performing groups brought their works, such as the Australian tap dance troupe "Tap Dogs."WeatherBeijing will have slight rain tonight with a low of 6, tomorrow will be cloudy with a high of 9.
Shanghai will have shower tonight with a low of 15, more shower tomorrow, high of 20.
Chongqing will be overcast with a low of 15, tomorrow will also be overcast, high of 18.
Lhasa will be clear with a low of minus 2, tomorrow will be sunny with a high of 16.
Elsewhere in Asia,Islamabad will be cloudy with a high of 23.
Kabul, cloudy, 10.
Down in the Southern Hemisphere.
Sydney, cloudy, high of 21,Brisbane,slight rain,23,Perth, cloudy, 33,And finally Auckland, New Zealand will have slight rain with a high of 16 degrees Celsius.
That's it for this weekend edition of the Beijing Hour.
A quick look at the headlines before we go...
More details emerging about who the attackers were in Friday's deadly terrorist attacks in Paris.
Chinese President Xi Jinping and other G20 leaders set to meet later today in Turkey to talk about counter-terrorism.
On behalf of co-host Bob Jones and the rest of the Beijing Hour staffers, this is Paul James hoping you'll join us for the next edition of the Beijing Hour, and open a window to the world together.