新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 08:00 2015/11/16(在线收听

 The Beijing HourMorning EditionSpencer Musick with you on this Monday November 16th 2015.

Welcome to the Beijing Hour, live from the Chinese capital.
Coming up on the program this morning...
Chinese President Xi Jinping announcing that the Chinese economy is predicted to grow about 7 percent this year...
President Xi Jinping and his Russian counterpart, reaffirming their commitment to enhancing cooperation between the two sides...
And French military jets on Sunday bombarded a stronghold of the Islamic State in Raqqa, Syria, as death toll climbs to 132.
In Business.... new Chinese lock up shares set to list on the bourses soon...
In Sports.....results from the latest round of CBA action...
And in Entertainment.... A hit Chinese TV drama enjoying popularity both at home and abroad...
Top NewsXi says Chinese economy predicted to grow about 7 pct this yearPresident Xi Jinping said on Sunday that the Chinese economy is predicted to grow about 7 percent this year.
That means China will continue to contribute to as much as about one third of global growth.
Xi Jinping said while addressing a Group of 20 summits in Turkey that China has the confidence and capability to maintain medium-high growth.
Chen Fengying, expert with China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, said China will continue making great contributions to the world economy.
"President Xi Jinping said we should be confident that China can reach its goal on economic growth rate and structural adjustment, in a bid to reach 'new normal'. China has made great contribution to the world, achieving rapid growth in economic adjustment and bringing confidence to the whole world. China is still playing a leading role now and will continue contributing to the world economy."Chen added the world economy is under a phase of adjustment.
"The emerging market faces new problems, but still it is the main contributor to the world economy. We should tap new markets in which infrastructure construction investment is the key. I also suggest on a tolerant, orderly and open market and setting up global partnership. These will help the development of world economy."In his speech, Xi Jinping said the country had contributed up to 50 percent of world economic growth from 2009 to 2011. Despite a recent slowdown, China still contributes 30 percent to world economic growth.
He pointed out that China is confident in its ability to comprehensively deepen reform and build an open economic system.
Xi, Putin meet at G20 summit, renewing pledges on cooperationChinese President Xi Jinping and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, have reaffirmed their commitment to enhancing extensive cooperation between their two countries.
The two leaders met on the sidelines of the group's 10th summit in Antalya in southwest Turkey.
China is to hold the rotating presidency of the G20 next year.
President Xi says China is willing to strengthen communication and cooperation with Russia in the course of hosting the G20 summit.
Putin has voiced support for China in playing a greater role in boosting international economic and financial cooperation as the next chair of the G20.
The two leaders also pledged to deepen cooperation within the framework of the emerging-market bloc of BRICS.
The two leaders attended a meeting of BRICS on Sunday, which gathers Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.
France bombards IS stronghold in Syria's Raqqa: defence ministryFrench military jets on Sunday bombarded a stronghold of the Islamic State in Raqqa, Syria.
A French Defence ministry said in a statement that the targets destroyed included a command post, recruitment center and arsenals of arms and ammunition.
The second target was said to be a training camp.
According to the ministry, a payload of about 20 bombs was delivered.
The bombardment came 48 hours after attacks claimed by IS killed 132 lives in suicide bombings and shootings in Paris.
Two Suspects of Paris Attacks Lived in Belgium: OfficialsAnchorBelgian officials said on Sunday that two suspects of the Paris attack were French nationals who had lived in Brussels.
CRI's Min Rui with more.
ReporterOne suspect lived in central Brussels, while the other lived in Molenbeek, a poor, immigrant neighborhood with links to previous attacks in France and elsewhere.
French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said on Sunday that the Paris attacks were planned in Belgium.
"Belgium and France are united in the fight against terrorism. The despicable attacks which hit us on Friday were prepared abroad, and a team of participants was mobilized on Belgian territory, which could have benefited, the investigation indicates, from help in France."Seven suspects were arrested by Saturday evening. Two cars registered in Belgium were discovered in Paris after the attacks, both suspected of being used by the attackers. Both cars were rented in Brussels earlier last week.
Belgian Interior Minister Jan Jambon said Belgium is cooperating with France to uncover the network behind Friday's events.
"We spoke about the exchange of information between our services, which is taking place at a very high level. And in the forthcoming days we will bring together our police services and information services to again compare the different elements, and different information we have and to bring together all the information that we both have."Officials say the gunman behind the killing at a Paris kosher grocery in January, after the Charlie Hedbo attack, acquired weapons in the neighborhood of Molenbeek. So did the man overpowered by a group of passengers in August on a Paris-bound train before anyone was killed.
Mafarma Sanogo lives near Molenbeek. She says the neighborhood's connection to terrorism has frightened her.
"It's frightening, but we don't have the choice. We can't remain locked in our homes. Yesterday I didn't want to go outside, I stayed inside my apartment. Today, I decided to go outside."However, thirty-year-old Brussels-based barman Soufial Berrada has urged against jumping to stereotypes about the area.
"It's a multicultural area, but it's perhaps because police forces aren't doing their job as well. In my opinion, it's that. It's not an easy area, that's well-known. But we can't make generalisations," he said.
The Belgian government has told its citizens to avoid traveling to Paris unless absolutely necessary, while announcing additional security controls around the country.
For CRI, I'm Min Rui.
Paris Attacker "Timid" and Prayed Often29-year-old Frenchman Ismael Mostefai has been identified as one of the attackers in Paris. He had been living in the Chartres neighborhood of Madeleine until about two years ago.
President of the Multicultural Association of Chartres Ben Bammou says Mostefai was often seen praying in the local mosque.
"Ismael Mostefai was a timid man who was coming to the mosque just like everyone else. You just need to know that, had we detected that the radicalisation of Mostefai earlier, we would have brought it to light earlier in order to avoid everything that happened. We're grieving, like everyone else."Mostefai had previously been flagged for links to Islamic radicalism by French officials.
His father, a brother and other family members have been detained and are being questioned.
EU Leaders Comment on Implications of Paris AttacksEuropean Commission head Jean-Claude Junker said on Sunday that Friday's attacks in Paris should not become a base for rejecting refugees in Europe.
"We should not mix the different categories of people coming to Europe. The one who is responsible for the attacks in Paris cannot be put on equal foot with real refugees, with asylum seekers and with displaced people. He is a criminal and not a refugee and not an asylum seeker."One of the Paris attackers was identified as having entered Europe through Greece on Oct 3. He was identified and fingerprinted according to EU rules.
Senior Polish and Slovak officials have cited the events in Paris and voiced concerns over the EU's relocation plans for migrants and refugees.
Meanwhile, European Council President Donald Tusk has called on G20 leaders to pay special attention to the fight against terrorism.
"This cannot be just another summit. Friday night in Paris - the people of the free world were attacked by terrorists. We all expressed our solidarity but words are not enough. Today it is time to act. I have spoken to President Hollande who was clear that France expects this. We therefore call on G20 leaders to show full determination in our fight against terror."Tusk said leaders must address the issue of international channels being used by terror groups to finance their activities.
Israel Provides France with Intelligence on Paris AttacksIsrael said on Sunday its spy services were helping France investigate the Paris attacks.
On Sunday, Israel's intelligence minister Yisrael Katz says Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had ordered the intelligence sharing.
"First of all, the cooperation is ongoing, but in accordance with the Prime Minister's directive, intelligence material relevant to what happened has been relayed, and we will also deepen the cooperation between the suitable organizations."Israel's Army Radio said electronic surveillance of militant groups Syria and Iraq may have yielded intelligence on the Paris attacks.
Israel's Channel Two said Israel had no advance warning of the attacks, but within hours of them gave France details on IS militants believed to have carried them out.
Citing an unidentified Israeli official, Channel Two said Israel saw a "clear operational link" between the Paris attacks, Thursday's Beirut bombings and the downing of a Russian airliner in Egypt last month.
Memorials Held for Paris AttacksAnchorMemorials are being held around the world following Friday night's deadly attacks in Paris.
CRI's Luo Wen has more.
ReporterThe Eiffel Tower stood dark on Saturday night, 24-hours after the worst violence in France since World War II.
The attacks in Paris have left many in the city in a state of shock.
To cope, some have decided to gather outside the restaurants where some of the attacks took place.
"There are no words. Apart from coming and mourning... I don't know... As far as I am concerned, I felt it was my duty to come here.""I don't feel like all of this is real, I mean, it's... it's just huge... I don't know, I don't have words... I would never have thought that this could happen in my neighborhood, next to my home."And as people in Paris try to come to grips with what took place on Friday, memorials and tributes have been taking place in other parts of the world.
In Washington D.C., a make-shift memorial has sprung up near the White House at the statue of the Marquis de Lafayette, a close friend of George Washington who fought on the US side during the American Revolutionary War.
Paris-native Marie Benson is among those who stopped at the memorial in Washington to pay their respects.
"It's great to see that we're not alone. It's not just French people who are here but also Americans. I have a friend who's here from Colombia. We have a lot of support, and it's even great to see messages on Facebook, that the world supports us, people from different countries around the world. The messages of support have been wonderful."In Tehran, dozens of Iranians created a candlelight vigil outside the French embassy.
"This is not only a tragedy for France. It is shared by the whole world. I have to say that we are united against terrorists.""Unfortunately, today the world has turned into a place where people do not love each other, and easily let themselves sacrifice innocent youths who have no relation with politics, for their evil policies and thoughts."Here in China, social media sites such as Weibo and WeChat have been flooded with messages from people showing their support for the people of Paris.
At the same time, other tributes are also being held.
The Oriental Pearl Tower in Shanghai has been lit up in the red, white and blue French tricolour to show Chinese solidarity with France.
Other global landmarks, including the Sydney's Opera House, the Senate building in Mexico City, the CN Tower in Toronto and One World Trade Center in New York did the same.
But while the world takes stock of what has happened, a growing number of people in France are already starting ask questions about HOW something like this could happen.
"Questions, and one would also be waiting for answers from our political leaders, from our republic, from our representatives, from our president and from our ministers. I mean, just after Charlie Hebdo, we thought, ok, the Vigipirate plan will help us, it will save us, we are safe, we can carry on with our lives, we can keep on building our lives and believing. Today, it's clear that Vigipirate is not working. We have to find other solutions, or they have to prove to us that we can get out and do our shopping safely, normally."At the same time, the deadly attack is also triggering new debate about Europe's refugee policies and what role European countries will continue to play when it comes to the Islamic State.
For CRI, I'm Luo Wen.
Poland FM: security key to accepting migrantsPoland's incoming government has declared that it will not accept refugees without security guarantees.
The announcement comes on the heels of the recent attacks in Paris.
Incoming Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski said the refugees who have their identity confirmed and express a will to stay in Poland will have to undergo security checks.
"Any shadows on their past will eliminate them. It has to be absolutely respected. Due to our international commitments we have to respect international law. We cannot refuse receiving anyone's plea for political asylum, but it doesn't mean automatically giving asylum."Officials in Greece said earlier that the owner of a Syrian passport found near the body of one of the Paris suicide bombers entered the country on October 3 through Leros.
Pro-growth, anti-terror measures high on G20 summit agendaG20 leaders are expected to release a statement on fighting terrorism during their summit in the Turkish seaside resort of Antalya.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Sunday condemned the Paris attacks and called for "international unity" in his opening speech for the two-day summit.
"International unity and cooperation is extremely important for the refugee crisis which has serious consequences. Unfortunately it's not possible for me to say that the international society hasn't been doing a very good job at dealing with it. In the international system, comprehensiveness, in another word, justice needs an update."Erdogan has also urged G20 leaders to focus on growth strategies during their summit.
The summit's first working session started with one minute of silence in memory of victims in the terrorist attacks in Ankara and Paris.
Erdogan says there is a strong link between the economy and security, and those connections cannot be neglected.
On the eve of the summit, a wave of terrorist attacks rocked the French capital Paris, killing over 100 people and injuring many more.
A total of 102 people were killed on Oct. 10 when twin suicide bombings hit a peace rally in Ankara, Turkey's capital, marking the deadliest attack in the country's modern history.
In Antalya, Turkey has beefed up security for the summit by deploying at least 12,000 security personnel.
US promises to intensify air strikes against IS in Syria, IraqA top U.S. official said the United States will work with France to intensify air strikes against Islamic State in Syria and Iraq.
Deputy National security adviser Ben Rhodes made the statement after the attacks in Paris.
"And we're confident that in the coming days and weeks working with the French we will be able intensify our strikes against ISIL in both Syria and Iraq to make clear that there is no safe haven for these terrorists."Rhodes called the attacks in Paris an "act of war," and emphasized the need for "enhancing" efforts in the fight against the Islamic State.
Gunmen and bombers carried out a series of attacks on restaurants, a concert hall and near a sports stadium across Paris on Friday. The Islamic State claimed responsibility for the rampage.
Following the violence, some European leaders have demanded an end to an influx of refugees and migrants from the Middle East and Africa.
Rhodes for his part said the United States would not be closing its borders to refugees.
Separately, Rhodes said that Islamic State has the aspiration to launch attacks on any member of the U.S.-led coalition but there was no specific credible threat against the United States at this time.
Timeline for Syrian political transition laid outA timeline for a political transition in Syria to end the country's civil war has been laid out.
The plan was devised by the United States, Russia, and powers from the Middle East and Europe.
The German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said some progress has been made, in that they have now set a timeline for the next steps.
"We will now and immediately start talks with opposition groups; by year-end, by the 1st of January we will organise first meetings between representatives of the opposition and representatives of the regime in Syria so we can get the process of establishing a transitional government."China, for its part, presented a four-point proposal to solve the Syrian crisis.
Li Baodong, Chinese Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, explained the idea.
"First, a cease-fire should start; second, a political process under UN auspices should begin with concrete schemes according to the communiqué of the Geneva conference; third, joint efforts should be made on counter-terrorism issues; and fourth, the international community should strengthen cooperation on enhancing humanitarian aid. China will take further actions on the above aspects."Once a transitional government is established, a new constitution would be drafeted within six months and free and fair elections would be held within 18 months.
Decision to import fuel from China not against any country: Nepalese PMNepalese Prime Minister K.P. Sharma Oli has said Nepal's effort to import fuel from China was not directed at any country.
In a televised address to the nation, Oli says the decision is a step to make Nepal's trade relations diversified and balanced.
Nepal has formally asked China to supply petroleum products after it suffered a huge crisis as India allegedly blocked all the supplies.
Following the request, China signed a framework agreement with Nepal in late October for supply of petroleum products.
Oli says Nepal had been pushed to the brink of a humanitarian and economic crisis after fuel, medicine and food items were stopped on the Indian side of border.
He adds that roads connecting China will be upgraded and efforts to bring fuel from other friendly countries would also be initiated.
Local media earlier reports that a team has already reached Bangladesh to discuss the possibility of importing fuel from there.
APEC CEO summit chair anticipates Chinese delegation to play vital roleThe Chairman of this year's APEC CEO Summit Tony Tan Caktiong says China's taking part the forthcoming meeting is highly anticipated.
His words come as a delegation of over 200 Chinese business leaders prepare to attend APEC's CEO summit in the Philippine capital Manila, taking place Monday and Tuesday.
Tony Tan says the large Chinese delegation reflects the country's key role the global economy.
"So I think whatever China does of course will affect everybody. That's why we need China to be actively participating. And we are so happy that there's a big delegation of, aside from the government side, the private sector side. The CEOs are coming and that's a very good sign."Tan added that President Xi Jinping's closing remarks would be one of the highlights of the CEO summit.
Over 1000 delegates along with 16 world leaders are set to gather at this year's CEO summit, which has as its theme 'inclusive-growth'.
Rescue continues as east China landslide kills 21Rescuers continue looking for survivors in the landslide in east China's Zhejiang province.
The tragedy has cost 21 lives as of Sunday night with 16 people still missing.
Only one person has been rescued so far. Four bodies are yet to be identified. And 58 villagers have been relocated.
A landslide hit Lidong Village of Yaxi Township at around 10:50 p.m. on Friday.
The local government has dispatched 52 teams composed of more than 620 people to investigate the site in case of any further disasters.
A team of 35 professional psychologists have been providing psychological intervention for the family members of the victims.
Complete coal-free winter heating begins in north China's port city proper of TianjinWinter heating in north China's port city of Tianjin began on Sunday, with clean energy-powered heating system replacing the traditional coal burning.
The heating system covers about 91 percent of buildings in the city proper.
Engineer with Tianjin winter heating office, Li Wei, said the city's last 52 coal-burning heating facilities have been renewed by using clean energy to replace coal this winter.
"Among them, 47 are now using natural gas as fuel, four have been integrated to the thermoelectricity network, and another one has been replaced by a geothermal well. Heating in the city proper of Tianjin is totally coal-free now."Clean energy-powered heating will reduce the emissions of sulfur dioxide by 30,000 tons and nitrogen oxides by 16,500 tons.
Meanwhile, heating facilities out of the city proper which have not yet been renewed with clean energy will use low-sulfur coal with less dust.
US startup to roll out smart motorcycle helmetAnchorCalifornia start-up Skully Incorporation plans to ship the first orders of what it says is the smartest motorcycle helmet ever by Christmas.
CRI's Guo Yan has the details.
ReporterMarcus Weller, founder and CEO of Skully Inc says the idea started off with an accident.
He was riding a motorcycle in Barcelona when he took his eyes off the road to look at a road sign and smashed into a car.
Weller says he dreamt about that accident a couple of years later, but in the dream he didn't crash.
"It was an exact flashback dream of that experience. But the important difference was I wasn't looking around for street signs and trying to figure out where I was going because I had these GPS maps and they were floating out in front of me like a hologram. I'm going down the road and because I am looking forward I see the car break and I swerved around it and I didn't get into the accident. That woke me up out of a dead sleep and I sat up in bed and I had goose bumps and I was like 'that is going to save peoples lives'."That dream was the inspiration for the smart motorcycle helmet.
Weller explains that utilizing a state of the art video system the smart helmet enables a rider to see in every direction at once with no blind spots.
"What the video system in the helmet does is with zero latency it takes a 180 degree blind spot camera. Its an ultra wide angle camera and it gives your eyes in the back of your head and it renders that in the heads up display."Weller says the developers have to ensure the technology was in sync with how the human brain processes vision.
"It is leveraging or capitalizing on the way our brains and our visual systems naturally work to put that information back into the field of view, back in infinite focus to wherever I look it is in focus and reducing the reaction time, reducing the likelihood of a life threatening accident."The helmet syncs to a phone via Bluetooth enabling hands-free calling, GPS navigation, and music streaming while keeping your eyes on the road.
The first helmets are scheduled to start shipping out to buyers just in time for Christmas.
For CRI, I'm Guo Yan.
WeatherBeijing will be overcast with a high of 9 degrees Celsius.
Overnight temperatures should drop down to 1.
Shanghai will see slight rain with a high of 21 and a low of 16.
In Chongqing, it will be overcast with during the daytime with a high of 18 and lows of 15.
Elsewhere in the world, staying here in Asia,Islamabad will be cloudy with a high of 23.
Kabul will be cloudy with a high of 10.
Over to North America,New York will be cloudy with a high of 18 degrees.
Washington, sunny with a high of 18 degrees.
Honolulu, cloudy, 30.
Toronto will be cloudy with a high of 12 degrees.
Finally, on to South America,Buenos Aires will be cloudy with a high of 31.
And Rio de Janeiro will see slight rain with a high of 26 degrees Celsius.
Headline newsXi says Chinese economy predicted to grow about 7 pct this yearPresident Xi Jinping said on Sunday that the Chinese economy is predicted to grow about 7 percent this year.
That means China will continue to contribute to as much as about one third of global growth.
Xi Jinping said while addressing a Group of 20 summits in Turkey that China has the confidence and capability to maintain medium-high growth.
In his speech, Xi Jinping said the country had contributed up to 50 percent of world economic growth from 2009 to 2011. Despite a recent slowdown, China still contributes 30 percent to world economic growth.
He pointed out that China is confident in its ability to comprehensively deepen reform and build an open economic system.
France bombards IS stronghold in Syria's Raqqa: defence ministryFrench military jets on Sunday bombarded a stronghold of the Islamic State in Raqqa, Syria.
A French Defence ministry said in a statement that the targets destroyed included a command post, recruitment center and arsenals of arms and ammunition.
The second target was said to be a training camp.
According to the ministry, a payload of about 20 bombs was delivered.
The bombardment came 48 hours after attacks claimed by IS killed 132 lives in suicide bombings and shootings in Paris.
Rare winter floods affect 110,000 in central ChinaAbout 110-thousand people in the central province of Hunan have been affected by rare winter floods.
Local flood control and drought relief headquarters said as of Sunday, 181 houses have collapsed and more than 8,600 residents in 92 villages and townships have been relocated.
The meteorological and flood control departments said torrential rains have been battering most parts of Hunan since Nov. 10.
About 60 square kilometers of late rice and vegetables were flooded.
It is forecast that heavy rainfall will continue in the province during the coming week.
Survey shows alarming health problems among Chinese elderlyA survey of nearly 4,000 elderly people across six provinces showed high rates of obesity and malnutrition.
The China Development Research Foundation said about 32 percent of the respondents are overweight and 11 percent identified as obese.
Meanwhile, the rate of malnutrition is still high among low-income households, the single and widowed.
China's population is aging rapidly, with 202 million people, or around 15 percent of the total population.
Biz reportsFirst let's get a preview of what we can expect on the world markets this week.
The value of stocks, crude oil and the European currency will likely fall this week as investors worry about what the Paris terror attacks will do to consumer confidence and key parts of the global economy.
Over in America, minutes from the Federal Reserve's October meeting will be center stage this week, after last week's slide in equities and commodities on expectations the US central bank will lift rates next month.
Investors will scrutinise minutes from the Fed's October meeting, to be released on Wednesday, as policy makers clearly reminded investors then that the potential of a December rate hike was firmly on the table.
Fed Governor Jerome Powell is set to speak on Tuesday, while New York Fed boss William Dudley, Atlanta Fed chief Dennis Lockhart, and Cleveland Fed President Loretta Mester will be on a panel at a conference on Wednesday.
Investors will get a fresh take on the state of the US housing industry, with reports on the housing market index and housing starts slated for release on Tuesday and Wednesday respectively.
Other US data scheduled for the coming days include the Empire State manufacturing survey, due today; consumer price index, and industrial market index, due Tuesday; Atlanta Fed business inflation expectations, due Wednesday; weekly jobless claims, Philadelphia Fed business outlook survey, and leading indicators, due Thursday; and the Kansas City Fed manufacturing index, due Friday.
Several key retailers such as Home Depot, Wal-Mart, Lowe's, and Target will report their latest quarterly earnings in the coming days.
With more than 90 percent of S&P 500 components having reported, S&P 500 earnings are down 0.9 percent in the third quarter.
Also in focus will be a monetary policy statement on Thursday at the end of a two-day meeting by Bank of Japan policy makers.
China to modernize financial market systemA senior official of China's central bank says the country is to modernize its financial market system in the next five years.
Pan Gongsheng, deputy head of the People's Bank of China, said on Saturday that steps will be taken to make the market more elastic.
Internet financing, venture investment funds, industrial investment funds, private equity investment funds and asset management will be guided for healthy development.
Pan stressed that the country will continue to boost the liberalization of the exchange and interest rates and optimize resource distribution.
The authority pledged to establish a multi-layer capital market, both for over-the-counter transactions and stock exchanges, to explore more financing channels and enhance direct financing.
China's funds for foreign exchange end downward trendChinese financial institutions' new yuan funds outstanding for foreign exchange last month reversed a downward trend in the previous four months.
Latest data released by China's central bank on Sunday shows that at the end of October, the new yuan funds for foreign exchange rose some 13 billion yuan, or 2 billion U.S. dollars, from a month earlier.
The funds are an important indicator for foreign capital flow in and out of China as well as domestic yuan liquidity.
Analyst say the rise shows that more Chinese people and companies are willing to sell their foreign exchanges, as the central parity rate of the yuan appreciated slightly against the U.S. dollar in October.
Chinese yuan takes leap toward joining IMF currency basketAnchorChina's currency, the yuan, has taken another step forward towards joining the elite group of global reserve currencies.
IMF staff experts have concluded that the renminbi "meets the requirements to be a 'freely usable' currency.
The staff propose that the Executive Board include the RMB in the SDR basket as a fifth currency, along with the British pound, the euro, the Japanese yen, and the U.S. dollar.
On November 30, IMF chief Christine Lagarde will chair a meeting of the Board to make the final decision on whether the yuan can be included in the SDR basket.
For more on Renminbi's internationalization, we're joined live by Mike Bastin, Director of The China Business Centre based in London.
Q1: Do you think that this assessment means the yuan's inclusion is fairly certain?
Q2: Do you think there are any concerns that could lead the decision the other way?
Q3: Once included, do you think the yuan will carry the same weight as other SDR currencies?
Q4: Some say that the inclusion of the Chinese yuan in the SDR basket will have little effect, what's your take on that?
Back Anchor:
Mike Bastin, Director of The China Business Centre based in London.
Lock-up shares worth 29.7 bln yuan to become tradableLock-up shares worth nearly 30 billion yuan, or some 4.7 billion U.S. dollars will become tradable on China's stock market this week.
Data from Southwest Securities shows that the some 2.7 billion shares are from 29 companies listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen bourses.
Pangda Automobile Trade Co. on the Shanghai Stock Exchange will see the largest amount hit the market on Monday.
Under China's market rules, major shareholders of non-tradable stocks are subject to one or two years of lock-up before they are permitted to trade.
China, Turkey to facilitate e-commerce platformChina and Turkey are set to deepen cooperation on e-commerce.
Under an agreement signed yesterday, a cross-border online platform will be built to facilitate future trades.
Currently, China is Turkey's second largest importer, with 27 billion dollars' worth of goods imported last year.
Statistics in 2014 show that a third of the Turkish population shops online, with trade volume worth 18 billion U.S. dollars. will take the initiate in building the online platform and welcome more Turkish buyers to enter the Chinese market.
Shanghai-based STO Express is expanding its delivery services to other lands.
Chen Dejun, head of China's STO Express Delivery Service says that company has built 12 operation centers and some 100 branch companies in the U.S. in the past two years.
Chen also points out that international express service is now booming in China, with foreign courier firms taking up to 75% of the market share.
He predicts that, with more Chinese players participating, the number will continue to down and is likely to drop to 7.5% in the next five to ten years.
The company is currently hiring Chinese overseas graduates in the U.S.
The company is also expected to be the first listed express delivery company in China. It is set to list on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange with a shell entity soon.
Chinese entrepreneurs less satisfied about business situationsA latest survey showed Chinese entrepreneurs are feeling the pressure from the current economic slowdown and are less content with their current business situations than previous years.
Business owners that are "very satisfied" or "relatively satisfied" about current situation accounted for 28.3 percent of the total surveyed owners.
This is down 6.5 percentage points from a year earlier.
The survey is based on some 25-hundered companies by the China Entrepreneurs Survey System.
A third of surveyed business owners said they were not satisfied about the business situations at present.
More entrepreneurs have a negative view on the current macroeconomic conditions, showing dropping confidence as the economy slows.
China's economy expanded by 6.9 percent year on year in the third quarter of 2015, the lowest quarterly growth in six years.
SportsCBA ResultsIn the world of basketball,First some CBA results from last night:
Shenzhen has defeated Guangdong 92-88 in the sixth round of the match, after Guangdong won 4 winning streaks in previous rounds.
Shenzhen's Bobbi Brown bagged 33 points 3 assists, while Yi Jianlian from Guangdong notched 28 points, 21 rebounds and 3 assists.
Other actions:
Undefeated teams Sichuan and Xinjiang have extended their winning streak by beating Foshan and Jiangsu respectively.
Beijing suffered a defeat by Shanghai 98-93.
Qingdao beat Tianjin 117-101.
And it's Shandong all over Bayi 105-81.
There are also a series of NBA games coming up this morning.
The Utah Jazz are playing Atlanta Hawks.
The Boston Celtics will take on the Oklahoma City Thunder.
The Toronto Raptors will play against the Sacramento Kings.
And the Detroit Pistons will take on the LA Lakers.
Ronaldo to Open 3 Schools in ChinaBrazilian great Ronaldo is set to open football schools in 3 Chinese cities by the end of this year.
The schools located in Beijing, Shanghai and Mianyang in southwest China's Sichuan Province will start operation next month.
They are the first batch of 30 football schools which Ronaldo will open in China according to his an announcement of his plan in September.
Earlier on Saturday, Ronaldo and his business partner, Brazilian billionaire Carlos Wizard Martins, took part in a soccer promotion event held in a local middle school in Mianyang.
Ronaldo and Carlos founded the Ronaldo Academy, which is expected to open 100 football schools worldwide by 2020.
Bosnia-Herzegovina's Euro 2016 Play-off 'Remains on a Knife Edge': BegovicBosnia-Herzegovina's goalkeeper Asmir Begovic says his country's Euro 2016 play-off against Ireland remains on a knife edge as the sides prepare for the decisive second leg.
Earlier on Friday, Bosnia-Herzegovia dragged themselves back into the tie through Edin Dzeko's late equalizer in a 1-1 draw at the Bilino Polje Stadium in Zenica.
The coach, former Sochaux player Mehmed Bazdarevic, says there's not been a clear favorite since the draw was made.
"We are expecting to win. The first leg was very hard and demanding for both teams. We know that our opponents are a very good team. They are expecting the recovery of a few players for this match, so we will have to do our very best to win this game."Begovic stressed that a clean sheet could prove invaluable.
"Well of course, keeping a clean sheet will be very important. I think it's important we play an organised game. We'll try and be as compact as possible and try to limit our mistakes. This's important."Everton midfielder Muhamed Besic might also reportedly be back from suspension.
Meantime, a minute-silence will be observed before the game in memory of the victims killed in Friday's terrorist attacks in Paris.
'Clean' Russian Athlets Should be Allowed for International Competitions: OfficialsRussia's Minister of Sport has stressed the rights of the country's track and fields athletes to take part in international competitions.
Vitaly Mutko made the remarks at an emergency meeting held on Sunday, two days after it was provisionally being suspended by the IAAF.
"Our proposal to our Russian Olympic committee - and we will try to approach the International Athletics Federation and the International Olympic Committee with the proposal - is to have our 'clean' sportsmen taking part in other competitions while our participation in 2016 Games in Rio de Janeiro is suspended for the time being."The suspension came just days after Russia was accused of operating an extensive state-backed doping programme in a report by a World Anti-Doping Agency independent panel.
This means that Russia's track and field athletes are banned indefinitely from all international competition, including the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.
Rosberg Beats Hamiltion in Brazilian Grand PrixIn the world of Formula One.
Nico Rosberg has won the Brazilian Grand Prix after beating Mercedes teammate and already-crowned season champion Lewis Hamilton.
"Thank you very much. It was a great weekend for me here. Of course, everything relative, with what happened back in Paris. But still very, very happy. It went perfectly. Lewis put on a very good challenge but I was able to control it and never give him a chance so I was pleased with that."Rosberg completed the 71 laps in 1 hour, 31 minutes and just over 9 seconds.
His Mercedes teammate Hamilton was second and Sebastian Vettel from Scuderia Ferrari ranked the third.
This marks Rosberg winning the second pole position in Brazil following the previous one last year.
Meantime, Romain Grosjean, the only French driver, tying for the 8th place with Dutch driver Max Verstappen, urfurled a French flag during the match to honor the 132 victims killed in Friday's deadly terrorist attacks in Paris.
Czech Republic Wins Fed CupIn tennis:
The Czech Republic has successfully defended their Fed Cup title after a marathon, nail-biting final match in its capital Prague.
Although Maria Sharapovia put Russia 2-1 up with a 3-6, 6-4, 6-2 win over Petra Kivitova in the day opening encounter, the final was decided by the doubles after Karolina Pliskova won a 6-3, 6-4 victory over Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova.
The fourth Czech win in 5 years was finally achieved after Plisko and Barbora Strycova defeated the hosts to win 4-6, 6-3, 6-2.
It was the first time since 2011, when the Czechs defeated Russia in Moscow, the final had gone down to the last match.
Entertainment'Lang Ya Bang' Enjoys Popularity at Home and AbroadA hit Chinese TV drama 'Nirvana in Fire', or 'Lang Ya Bang'in Chinese, is enjoying popularity both at home and abroad.
Based on author Hai Yan's popular Internet novel with the same name, 'Lang Ya Bang' tells a tale of revenge and political struggles among the princes of an ancient Chinese kingdom.
After charming domestic fans with its captivating plot, the series was later broadcast in USA, South Korea and other countries in south Asia and Africa.
Starring actor of the series, Wang Kai, indicates besides the fascinating plot, the drama's popularity may have also resulted from its historic aspect.
"We had classes in historical manners and etiquettes. The teacher taught every actor, one by one, how to behave in the drama. And we tried our best to act just like people at that time."In addition to the global popularity, 'Lang Ya Bang' is also gaining fan's support in Taiwan, making a latest example of cross-Strait TV success.
Since the first of the 54 episodes was aired on November 3rd, it has consistently had one of the top three primetime audience ratings in Taiwan.
14th Asia Arts Festival and 2nd Maritime Silk Road International Arts Festival ConcludedThe 14th Asia Arts Festival and the second Maritime Silk Road International Arts Festival wrapped up on Sunday.
Secretary-general of the ASEAN-China Center, Yang Xiuping, highlights the importance of the events.
"The ancient Silk Road opened a good prospect for the moment and for the future. The contemporary generation should make contributions to the linking of the countries along the Maritime Silk Road."Themed in "Love for Asia, Dreams on the Maritime Silk Road", the events showcased diverse Asian cultures and art performances.
Guests from over 40 countries and regions have joined the event, including China's first Nobel Literature Prize winner Mo Yan .
He says the development of China's "Belt and Road" initiative is crucial to enhance cultural exchanges in Asia.
"The strategic 'Belt and Road' initiative put forward in this new era has emphasized the importance of culture and the role that culture plays. And culture should be the ultimate goal of exchanges under the 'Belt and Road' initiative."The eight-day event was held in Quanzhou, southeast China's Fujian Province, which is known as the starting point of the Maritime Silk Road.
Daniel Radcliffe and James McAvoy Promotes 'Victor Frankenstein' in Mexico CityBritish actors Daniel Radcliffe and James McAvoy have held a news conference in Mexico City to promote their upcoming film 'Victor Frankenstein'.
The 'Harry Potter' star indicates he has formed a strong friendship with McAvoy while shooting the film.
"I had grown up seeing James in a lot of stuff and really, I don't know, so I think for the first two weeks or so I have to slightly work on being able to not be like a fan. l'd be a bit in awe and just be like, 'No, no, we are working together now, we are on a level playing field' "The science fiction horror drama is based on contemporary adaptations of Mary Shelley's namesake novel.
The 36-year-old McAvoy says he has enough freedom to interpret his character as he wished, though the classic novel was adapted to film on several occasions.
"I've read the book before I got the part and then after I got the part I read the book again but even then I felt like the script was doing something quite different from the book in terms of who Victor was, definitively took a lot of its sort of inspiration from the book in terms of obsession and mania and a sort of unhealthy, mentally ill approach to science."The film tells the story from the perspective of Igor, the assistant to young medical student Frankenstein, who witnesses him bring the dead to life.
It is scheduled to hit big screens on November 25th in the US.
Justin Bieber Accepts His First-ever Halo Hall of Fame AwardJustin Bieber asked the audience to observe a moment of silence in recognition of the Paris Attacks at the Halo Awards ceremony held on Saturday.
The 21-year-old superstar says "let's make this world a little bit better", while receiving his first Halo Hall of Fame award on the stage.
Bieber was honored for his charity work with two organizations on behalf of children, including Make-A-Wish and Pencils for Promise.
Bieber just released his fourth album Purpose on Friday.
The pop star celebrated the release on Saturday by sharing a new music video every hour for each track on the long-awaited album.
Together, the videos create a film titled 'Purpose: The Movement'.
That's it for this edition of the Beijing Hour.
Recapping our top stories this morning...
Chinese President Xi Jinping announcing that the Chinese economy is predicted to grow about 7 percent this year...
President Xi Jinping and his Russian counterpart, reaffirming their commitment to enhancing cooperation between the two sides...
And French military jets on Sunday bombarded a stronghold of the Islamic State in Raqqa, Syria.
In Business.... new Chinese lock up shares set to list on the bourses soon...
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, Spencer Musick in Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together.