
Fairy tales can always bring back our innocent childhood. Hollywood is now going to profit from our nostalgia. The next year, two different versions of Snow White would come out. The one is played by Kristen Stewart and the other princess would be Lily Collins.
Lily Collins would portray Snow White much closer to the original than Kristen for the latter would present an image similar to Western Mulan. Lily, with red lips, black hair and whit skin, has the feeling of a princess. “It’s just an epic-like story and I’m in the world of Fairland.” Lily said so.
In Lily’s version, the evil queen would be played by Julia Roberts who would persecute Snow Whit by taking advantage of prince. “But, luckily, Snow White would be portrayed with modern elements and she would grow tough to resist all the tricks.” Collins said so with confidence.
Her delicate looking and elegance makes her much younger the she is. She is the daughter of the famous British rock singer Phill Collins. So you can always observe her attendance in some big activities especially in some fashion shows.
She wrote articles for Elle Girl as a teenager girl and also contributed to Teen Vogue, Los Angeles Times etc. It's apparently she did think things deep and possess the spirit of analyzing which shows she is not just a good looking girl with no brains. At the same time, she is also a hostess.
She began acting courses at 5 and won her fame after costarring with Sandra Bullock in The Blind Side. Facing the question like who would play better, Lily or Kristen? I think the magic mirror would have the problem answering. How about a vote after the film releases in 2012? Let’s wait and see.