英语角-圆桌会议 设“人口天花板”是灵丹妙药吗?(在线收听

Topic1-Population Control a Must in Big Cities?
The Beijing government will "strictly control the city’s population growth" during the period of the 13th Five-Year Plan (the next 5 years). Officials also mentioned that the population should be contained within 23 million by the end of 2020. Is population control a panacea for China’s mega cities?
Topic2-Chinese netizens choose print books over digitalAs books have moved from tangible products to electronic media, many longtime readers still appreciate the value of traditional reading.
A recent survey covering nearly 30,000 respondents found that Chinese internet users prefer printed books over digital books on mobile phones, personal computer and kindle. Which one do you prefer?
Topic3-Southern cities dominate latest list of places friendly to eldersA study of 150 cities across China has shown that southern coastal cities are more elderly-friendly than those in the north. The popular tourist resort of Xiamen in Fujian province ranks first.
Topic4-Chinese students spend twice as long on homework as global peersA recent report shows that Chinese primary students spend three hours every day on average doing homework, twice as much as the global average. What’s more, it’s three times the level in France, four times that in Japan and six times that in South Korea. Most Chinese primary students sleep less than 7 hours every night. Why is it? Is it reasonable?