最新15篇文章贯通英语四级词汇MP3 Unit5-Part1(在线收听



[00:13.98]Yip Sang, a Chinese-Canadian

[00:16.93]The British and Chinese signed 

[00:22.85]the Treaty of Nanking in 1842, 

[00:25.03]each providing their respective subjects 

[00:29.96]with the right to benefit 

[00:31.71]from full security and protection 

[00:33.89]for their persons and property 

[00:36.52]within each other’s boundaries. 

[00:39.25]Even though China did not 

[00:41.34]openly allow emigration, 

[00:43.19]in 1860 a law was passed 

[00:46.92]which stated that Chinese, 

[00:48.78]seeking to work in the 

[00:51.29]British Colonies or other places, 

[00:53.37]were at liberty to do so. 

[00:56.87]They had only to ship themselves

[00:59.94]and their families on board 

[01:01.69]any British vessel at any 

[01:03.98]of the open ports in China. 

[01:06.93]In 1868, another treaty, 

[01:10.76]this one with the United States, 

[01:13.39]gave the Chinese the right 

[01:16.24]to change their home and loyalty 

[01:18.53]from one country to another 

[01:21.16]for the purposes of curiosity, 

[01:23.23]of trade, or as permanent residents, 

[01:27.83]thereby opening the gates 

[01:29.80]for emigration from China.

[01:32.87]The gold boom in British Columbia 

[01:36.26]in the 1850’s was the beginning 

[01:39.54]of Chinese immigration 

[01:41.29]from the U.S. into Canada. 

[01:43.26]Many of these early immigrants 

[01:46.64]sailed from Fujian and Guangdong provinces

[01:50.48] to San Francisco. 

[01:53.21]When they heard of 

[01:55.40]the gold discoveries in British Columbia, 

[01:57.15]many crossed the border into Canada

[01:59.91] by moving overland through Oregon 

[02:02.66]or arriving by sea in Victoria. 

[02:05.06] When the gold deposits were depleted,

[02:09.32] these early settlers stayed, 

[02:11.62]moving into occupations like gardening, 

[02:14.91]farming, domestic service, road construction, 

[02:18.95]and railway building. 

[02:20.70]By 1871, there were 

[02:25.73]approximately 3 000 Chinese inhabitants

[02:28.80] in the province, 

[02:30.44]only 53 of whom being women.

[02:34.60]Since Chinese workers were known 

[02:37.88]to be conscientious and reliable, 

[02:40.40]several companies actively recruited them. 

[02:45.10]As a result, it was estimated 

[02:46.96]that 10 000 workers arrived

[02:49.58] between 1882  and 1884. 

[02:54.73]In an effort to restrict 

[02:57.02]the entry of Chinese immigrants, 

[02:59.65]an act was passed

[03:01.07] in the Canadian Parliament 

[03:03.37]confining the proportion to one person 

[03:05.78]for every 50 tons of vessel tonnage. 

[03:10.05]A head tax was also imposed.

[03:13.99] Records of those who paid 

[03:16.39]the  head tax are still available 

[03:18.25]for viewing in the National Archives of Canada.
