VOA慢速英语2015 国际货币基金组织将人民币纳入主要货币(在线收听

AS IT IS 2015-12-07 IMF Adds China's Yuan to World's Top Currencies 国际货币基金组织将人民币纳入主要货币

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) added China’s yuan to its group of key global currencies this week, a historic development that gives new status to the world’s second-largest economy.


The IMF said that the Yuan, also known as the Renminbi, "met all existing criteria," to be added to the U.S. dollar, Europe's euro, the Japanese Yen and the British Pound as one of the currencies in the world organization's Special Drawing Rights grouping, the financial standard it uses in issuing crisis loans to its 188 member nations. The action takes effect next October.


IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde said the decision is "an important milestone in the integration of the Chinese economy into the global financial system."


"It is also a recognition," she said, "of the progress that the Chinese authorities have made in the past years in reforming China's monetary and financial systems."


The Special Drawing Rights are not a freely traded currency, but are important as an international reserve asset. Analysts say the IMF action could push Beijing to live up to its promises to make the Yuan even more "freely usable" across the world, a standard the IMF concluded Beijing has already met.


The yuan will have a 10.92 percent weighting in the IMF's currency basket, a measure that determines which currencies countries can receive when they secure IMF loans. When the yuan is added to the basket of currencies, the dollar willretain its share of about 42 percent, with reduced shares for the euro, British sterling and the Japanese yen.


The addition of the Yuan to the IMF basket could give it new respect in world financial markets, possibly fueling demand for the currency and for Yuan-dominated assets.


Words in This Story

currency – n. the money that a country uses : a specific kind of money

status – n. high position or rank in society

gross economic output – noun phrase the entire amount of goods and services produced by a country or countries

emergency – n.  an unexpected and usually dangerous situation that calls for immediate action

designation  - n. the act of officially choosing someone or something to do or be something 

financial – adj. relating to money

decline – v. to become lower in amount or less in number

dominates – v. to be the most important part of (something)

milestone – n. an important point in the progress or development of something: a very important event or advance

integration – n. the act of making (a person or group) part of a larger group or organization 

expose – v. to cause (someone) to experience something or to be influenced or affected by something

capital – n. the money, property, etc., that a person or business owns
