【英语早间课堂】A Labour of Love(在线收听


Today I would like to talk to you about something that is a hard task that you do want to , not because it's necessary. What's it ? Let's listen to a simple situational dialogue and find it . A : I can’t understand why Tom accept his present job. It pays low and occupy much of his free time. B : It’s just a labor of love. A : He is really great.
It is “a labor of love”. In this phrase , "labour" means "a task or period of work" used as a noun. It's often used as plural. For example: He was so exhausted from today's work that he went straight to bed. 他工作一天精疲力尽了,便直接上床睡觉了。“Love” means "the strong feeling of enjoyment that something gives you". For example: I am in love with my house. 我喜欢我的房子。Now it's easy to catch this idiom. A labour of love 是出于爱好而去做的困难的事情,用我们中文里更具有文学性的语言来说就是“心甘情愿做的事情”。It indicates that a person is very willing to do something because he can take a delight in it. 这个习语就指出了一件事情不需要那个人去做,但是能从中得到乐趣,因此他愿意去做。在此强调一点就是这件事而且还是难做的事儿,没有报酬的事情。In addition, a labour of love是一个名词性短语,of love 是介词短语修饰前面的名词labour, 照常理来说,被修饰的词前面理应用定冠词,可是这里是不定冠词。但是这个是不能改的,这是人们生活中约定俗成的说法。 So in oral English, many of idioms cannot be judged if it's right or wrong according to grammar rules. Because it's from people's daily labour and life. It's fine we just cram it up. 我们死记住它就行了。
Talking of a labour of love, a saying goes that all things are easy that are done willingly. 说道a labour of love , 我就想到一句话:心甘情愿,做事不难。Yeah, if we are in love with something, we would complete some creative jobs of our present imaginations that cannot be put into reality in the future. We could tale our potential to the end so that we might have a bright future. So it's suggested that we should take whatever we do for a labour of love , I 'm convinced that we could be successful in it. 是的,如果我们是怀着一种爱好,兴趣去做一件事情,我们在将来做出我们目前想象中不能把它付诸于现实的事情来,我们可以把我们的潜能发挥到极致,我们将拥有充满阳光的未来,我相信我们一定会成功的。Come on, guys. Let's make our efforts in common. 【视野拓展】
All right, let's look at some more example sentences with "a labour of love" so as to absorb it. Enthusiasm has rendered this biographical task a labour of love. 有了热情,撰写这份传记也就成了自己愿意做的事儿了。I take the children , whose mother is sick , into my family for a labour of love. 这些孩子的母亲生病了,我把他们带回到我家照顾,这是乐意这么做。Of course , we have many way to express "乐于做某事' , such as : have felicity in something , take felicity to do something , put one's felicity to do something. 这些都是表示在某事中享受到极大的乐趣而非常愿意去做那件事儿。
Please translat the following sentences into English with the phrase "a labour of love".
1 我不在乎每星期天为教堂插花,我乐意干,不要报酬。 2 这是一次很不专业的尝试,但它出于自愿,而且花了好几个月的功夫。 3 你要是为那件工作而付给她钱,她会生气的。那是她乐意去做的,并不是为了报酬。
4 建一个铁路模型对这位退休的工程师来说是一种乐趣。
习题答案1 I don't mind arranging the flowers for the church every Sunday as it's a labour of love.
2 It was a very amateurish effort but it was a labour of love and took many months.
3 She would be hurt if you tried to pay her for that work; she intended it as a labour of love.
4 Building the model railroad was a labour of love for the retired engineer.