【英语早间课堂】It is strange that S (should) do.(之四)(在线收听

It's strange that he feel so angry.
[陷阱提示] that he feel so angry 这个主语从句中的谓语是feel,用的是其原形,大家可不要看到主语he,第三人称单数,而且主句中的时态又是一般现在时,就“胸有成竹”画蛇添足地给feel加上个小尾巴“s”。我们中国不是有句话吗:吃力不讨好。您多写个s,费了力,在考试中还要挨扣分。
[短语详析] 该句子中“生气”的表达是非常通俗的用词了“angry”,那么既然出现了angry,我就来简单说说angry的用法。 Be angry with somebody 生某人的气 be angry about something 因某事而生气 be angry with somebody about something(强调: with somebody 放于about something的前面,也就是把“人”放于“事”的前面) 因某事而生某人的气。我们大家都熟悉一个词,和它意思一样的是:mad, mad 的基本意思是“发疯的,疯狂的”,当您生气时,您会失去理智,控制不住自己的感情,就像一个疯子发疯那么激动,由此引申出“生气”这个意思。那么它的用法是:be mad at somebody 生某人的气 be mad about something 因某事而生气 be mad at somebody about something 因某事而生某人的气。Angry 和 mad 这两个词表达“发火,生气”的程度基本上是一样的。
[视野拓展] 哎呀,怎么现在说到angry呢。今天呀,Juliet可真是祸不单行,一整天都在angry中,头都要气炸了。为何呢?听我慢慢道来。
1 be ticked off 生气I made certain that my husband went to Tibet for sightseeing and I became ticked off this morning.
2 go ( all ) bent of shape 大发雷霆I went all bent of shape for my nephew made all my files including English and ballet dancing materials kept in my laptop deleted.
3 freak out 气得要发疯It really made me freak out that the hour maid washed my favourite ballet shoes out of shape, they cannot be used any more.
4 lose one's head 发脾气,勃然大怒My sister-in-law lost his head ( rag ) when knowing his son spent all morning playing games sitting in front of the computer rather than learning English on line.
5 fly into a ( violent ) rage 大动肝火,勃然大怒,赫然震怒I flew into a violent rage for my wallet was stolen in which there are much money, my identity card, my credit card, and so on when shopping at the supermarket.
6 get on one's nerves 令人不安,惹火了某人I told my nephew to stop pestering me to let him play computer games and said to him." Don't get my nerves! "我告诉我的侄子不要老是缠着我要我给他玩游戏,并且对他说:“别把我给惹毛了。”
I am so unlucky today!Nevertheless, it was fine that when I felt my anger mounting, I kept perfect control of myself. 但是呢,还好的是当我感到自己怒火上升的时候,我还是很好控制住了自己。And now I am all right. So , I'm glad to send you much more phrases to express your anger and you mirght as well make a sentence using every phrase to describe your life. That is the right and effective way to improve your conversational English. 我很高兴在赠送大家更多的表达生气的片语,您不妨也用每一个片语来描述您生活中发生了的使您生气的事情。这是很有效的正确的提高英语口语的途径。我们来看看还有那些呢?They are as follows: see red, hit the ceiling, be pissed off , get one's goat, lose one's rag , and so on.