【英语早间课堂】Talking about Homesickness(之五)(在线收听

What the hell does "attack" mean in those two sentences in our topic Talking about Homesickness? I think it must be your first question to me this morning who have been listening to my programme. In truth, I cannot wait for this question of yours any more. 那么在今早一直收听Juliet的晨间ABC英语课堂的听众朋友会问我的第一个问题就是:在我们的话题《思乡》中的那2个句子中的attack到底是什么意思呀?其实,我也迫不及待地想告诉大家了。And now let's get to the point.
In those two sentences which are " A letter from home set off an attack of homesickness. " and " A letter from his wife set off an attack of homesickness. " , "attack" means"a sudden short period of illness, usually severe, especially an illness that you have often". Attack在这两句话中的意思是:疾病突然发作了,通常发作时很严重,而且这种疾病是对你来说是经常发作的。简而言之,attack的意思是:(尤指常发疾病)的发作,侵袭。
Look at the following sentence: He had frequent attacks of malaria . 他常患病。我们说“患病”也就是说遭到了疾病的侵袭,疾病发作了。We can get a phrase from this sentence which is " have + an attack + the name of a disease" to express that somebody suffers a certain kind of a disease. Have an attack of + 疾病的名称是患上了某种病,某种病发作了的意思。Attack of is a phrase which means " a sudden period of illness". 那么attack of 它是一个短语,意思是受到某种病的侵袭。
在我们的主题句子中,attack of homesickness意思就是受到思乡病的侵袭。它和attack off 连用则表达“激起一片思乡之情,勾起一份思乡之愁”。之意。因此, A letter from home set off an attack of homesickness. 译为:一封家书激起了他的一片思乡之情。A letter from his wife set off an attack of homesickness. 妻子的来信是他的那份思乡之愁涌上心间。Have frequent attacks of 意思是经常患上某种病。 Attack前用了一个表频率的形容词frequent,表示经常发作,注意了attack要有单属性书变为复数形式了,即:attacks. Look at this sentence: Her depression is had frequent attacks of. 她经常受到抑郁症的侵袭So, we should pay attention to our mental health. Nowadays more and more people have an attack of all kinds of mental illnesses which make you not interested in everything and feel black and boring that you want to be killed by yourself because of many causes, such as: your broken family, your heavy work and study. So , if you are under pressure or depression, you might well as find your close friend to address yourself.
当今社会,越来越多的人由于各种各样的原因,例如:家庭的破裂,工作学习的巨大压力而患上精神疾病。当您受到精神疾病的侵袭时,您会对您原来感兴趣的东西变得不敢兴趣,感到一切都是那么黑暗,没有出路,觉得活着没意思而想到轻生。亲爱的听众朋友们,如果您出现以上的情况,不妨到心理医生那里就诊。当您感到压抑时,不妨找一位好友把您心中一切的不快倾述出来,保持自己的心理健康。A say goes, "Good health is the foundation of a fulfilling life." 常言道:“身体是革命的本钱”。
我们在前面说到了attack 可以用到在战争中一枪炮攻击,袭击,在生活中以言语或书面抨击,鞭挞等等,那么我们的生命或者是名誉是不是都到伤害了呢?由此而引出attack还有“损害,伤害”之意。Look at this sentence: 1 The roof timbers were affected by rot and insect attack. 屋顶的木料由于遭到虫害已经腐朽了。Be affected by 意思是:受到......影响。She was sent to a mental hospital by depression attack. 因受到抑郁症之害她住进了精神病院。
Today's programme is about to be over. At the end of it , I would like to leave you some exercises to do. Please translate the following phrases with "attack" .
到处受到攻击 遭到了直言不讳的抨击突然感到紧张不安食物中毒 突发心脏病 心里突感一阵恐慌 一阵咯咯地笑突然袭击 即打即离(打了就跑的进攻) 下达攻击令be under attack from all side come under unspoken attack have an attack of nerves suffer an attack of food poisoning have a heart attack have a panic attack in one's mind have an attack of giggles make a surprise attacklaunch a hit -and-run attack give an attack order