【英语早间课堂】Lesson One(基础篇)(在线收听

Lesson One 基础篇【序言】
I walked up to that girl to say hello, but she blew me off.
blew me off (即: bow somebody off 或者是blow off somebody)【备注】如果somebody是人称代词的话,就只能在blow和off的中间。
It is similar to saying "ignore" 。译为:不理睬,不理会某人。
He breezed out and blew off anyone.
他飘然而去,对谁也不理睬。(备注:情景联想请听录音)Dear! Forgive me! Please, please... if you blow me off. I would rather that I died.
blew me off [.blu:mi:'j?:f]
1 【连读】 Blew me off这个短语中有一个连读的地方,它是元音与元音的连读。Me是以长元音[i:]结尾,off是以长元音[?:] 开头,用辅音[j]来连接,me off 的发音就是[mi:'j?:f]。短语blew me off的发音就是:[blu:mi:j?:f]
2 【重音与次重音】[blu:mi:?:jf]这三个音节就好似一个个跳跃的音符组成的一支小旋律,要使这支旋律优美动听,就要注意重音与次重音的处理。这个动词短语是属于动词短语是片语(idiom)性质的动词短语,动词短语中的副词在表达出这个片语的意思中起着首要关键性的作用,当然也要有实义动词的配合才能表达出这个片语的意思。我们把要强调副词,处理为重度,实义动词为次重度。那么在这三个音节中,重音在第三个 音节,第一个音节为次重音,发音为:[.blu:mi:'j?:f]。
walk up [.w?:l'g?p]
1 【连读】walk是以清辅音[t]结尾,up是以单元音[?]开头,将其进行连读,即:[k?]
2 【浊化音】[k?] 这个音节中在元音前面的讲清辅音[k]浊化为[g], 即:[g?]。
3 【重音与次重音】句子中walk up to that girl是走到那个女孩的面前,这里的副词up表示出了方位,强调出了作者是由自己所处的位置直接向前走上去到那个女孩子的正前方,不是在女孩子的旁边,也不是后面,因此up这个副词在这里要重读,walk 为次重读。整个短语发音为:[.w?:l'g?p]
【短语积累】 say hello 打招呼A boy by name of David has just called to say hello to you .
It is unlike you not to say hello.
Just one dance, just one more dance, just last dance. 这里以排比,反复,递进的手法通过要求跳最后一支舞,表达出了两人恋恋不舍的感情。以“舞”传“情”,以“舞”留“人”,让心中的爱情之火一直燃烧,不愿熄灭。
Just one last dance....oh baby...just one last dance We meet in the night in the Spanish cafI look in your eyes just don't know what to say It feels like I'm drowning in salty water A few hours left 'til the sun's gonna rise tomorrow will come an it's time to realize our love has finished forever how I wish to come with you (wish to come with you) how I wish we make it through Chorus: Just one last dance before we say goodbye when we sway and turn round and round and round it's like the first time Just one more chance hold me tight and keep me warm cause the night is getting cold and I don't know where I belong Just one last dance The wine and the lights and the Spanish guitar I'll never forget how romantic they are but I know, tomorrow I'll lose the one I love There's no way to come with you it's the only way to do【温故知新】
Please translate the following sentences orally. (请口译下面的句子。)1 他很骄傲, 不理睬别人。
2 莫斯科不理睬美国的呼吁。
3 我依恋着弗兰克,而不理睬你们所有的人。
4 我不理睬他,他对此就耿耿于怀。
5 一旦她生你的气,会几天不理睬你。
6 我听见我朋友在后面叫我,但我不理睬他。
1 He is too proud to blow of others.
2 Moscow blew of the American appeal.
3 I kept hanging on to Frank, and blowing off the rest of you. 4 I had blown off him and he resented it.
5 When she gets angry with you she will bow me off for days.
6 I heard my friend call after me, but I blew him off .