生气的心理益处-Anger can benefitrelationships(3)(在线收听

Angry people are optimistic
Anger can benefit relationshipsAnger is a natural reaction to being wronged bysomeone else and it's a way of communicating that sense of injustice. Butsociety tells us anger is dangerous and we should hide it. What does this do toour personal relationships?
Oddly enough research has shown that hiding anger inintimate relationships can be detrimental (Baumeister et al., 1990).
Theproblem is that when you hide your anger, your partner doesn't know they'vedone something wrong. And so they keep doing it. And that doesn't do yourrelationship any good.
The expression of anger, if justifiable and aimed atfinding a solution rather than just venting, can actually benefit andstrengthen relationships.