英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable1231 - 2015年度热词(在线收听

 Topic 1: China Family Report 2015

Recently, a news program produced by the Tencent News Channel has conducted a survey on the Chinese families in 2015. The survey pointed out what Chinese families worry about, own and expect. What does the report say?
Topic 2: Year-end Bonuses
It is the last day of 2015, and officially the end of the year, so it is fitting for us to talk about year-end bonuses today. It is a tradition in China for employers to give out a certain amount of bonuses to show their appreciation of the employees’ hard work in the past year.
Topic 3: Internet Buzzwords
The year of 2015 is coming to an end. The list of this year’s internet buzzwords has come into being. So let’s follow the trend to go over these words. If you don’t know these phrases or sentences, then you’re out! But don’t worry, Round Table has collected a wide array of most popular new expressions of 2015 to make sure you're hip to China's latest lingo.  