英语听力:切格瓦拉的故事 - 16(在线收听

 Fidel urges Che to abandon the mission and bring his fighters home.

"Their retreat from the Congo was ignominious, that’s how hideous himself described it. They just barely escaped with their lives."
Admitting defeat, Che holds up at the embassy in Tanzania, and then moves to a safe house in Prague.
"Fidel sent carriers to him, urging him to reconsider and return, Che refused, he refused to go back to Cuba after having given his word that he would go off and if necessary die to lead other revolutions elsewhere. After sometime, Fidel told Che that he had brokered a deal with the head of the Bolivian communist party for him to go to Bolivia."
He jumps at the chance. In Bolivia, Che's plan is to train a guerilla force to start a liberation war that would spread all across the hemisphere.
"What he hoped to do was to spark off enough guerilla insurgencies around world that would attract American fire power, distract it from Vietnam and ultimately sap it of its strength and to overturn the world order once and for all. He was trying to start a World War III."
A war that will wipe off capitalism and install communism in its place.
"If he was successful, he'd be able to change the world. I don't think Che ever really contemplated failure."
After the failed mission in the Congo at his farewell letter to Fidel read publicly, Che Guevara refuses to return to Cuba without a success. His plans to expand the revolution bring him to Bolivia. November,1966, Che arrives in Nepal in a convincing disguise.
"Che had all of his hair plucked out one by one and an identity was created for him as a traveling salesman, a man in his mid fifties."
He makes his way to a base in Nancuwazu where he meets Loyala Guzma and other members of the Bolivian communist party.
"Being encountered with him was a surprise because of  rumors that he was held prisoner in Cuba, that Fidel was going to kill him, that he was leading guerillas in other countries."
Che explains the mission to the group.
"He explained the objective which was an arm struggle in many Latin American countries to make one, two, many Vietnams"
But soon Che changes the plans. Instead of using Bolivia as a base to start revolutions in other countries, Bolivia will be used as the starting point for the revolution which he himself will lead.
"The party secretary general at that time Mr Monky went into the camp and spoke with Che Guevara, and he told him that the only chance he could have was if the Bolivian communist party, Moscow Line, would take the lead of the movement.
Che refuses to give up his position of leadership. "
The party has taken a bam against us and I do not know where this will lead, but it will not stop us. But the loss of support from Monhey's group leaves Che with only 24 soldiers. They include some of his old Cuban comrades. By the time they arrived in Bolivia, Che’s disguise has well grown out.
"When we arrived, there was none of what Fidel had promised was there. There was no food, ammo, medicine or anything."
To make matters even worse, the peasants' support the movement had so relied on in Cuba is nowhere to be found in Bolivia.
"We had a land reform in 1952, so every peasant was the owner of his own piece of land. We had a democratic government and we had free press."
The chuckhole region of Bolivia where Che has chosen to begin his campaign is also unwelcoming .
"There's no vegetation, no animals, there were no farmers."
Yet Che continues with his plans. If he could succeed in Cuba, he could do the same in Bolivia