英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0105 - 《老炮儿》爆粗口,大俗大雅?(在线收听

Topic1-Lowering Legally Marriageable Age to 18
A demography scholar has suggested the government to lower the legal marriageable age to 18 years' old. The current legal marriageable age is 22 for men, and 20 for women.
The new amended Population and Family Planning Law no longer encourages late marriage or childbearing. Is that suitable or not?
Topic2-Rural School without Students
In the remote mountains of Yongjia County, Zhejiaang province, Biaoshan Elementary School only has three students. Now the school faces closure. Is it necessary to keep the school or is it a waste of education resources?
Topic3-Foul Language of "Mr. Six"
The movie "Mr. Six" or 老炮儿 has garnered critical acclaim as well as box office success. But what's put it in the spotlight at the moment is the usage of street slang that a Tinghua professor deemed "foul."
Is it foul language or just staying truthful to hutong vernacular?
Topic4-Why Is It So Hard to Get Good Services from Servers in China?
When you dine in a restaurant, you may think food is king. But service could be equally as important for some. Has the quality of customer service in restaurants met the increasingly picky taste from restaurant-goers?  