英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0108 - 轻松入职世界五百强企业(在线收听

Topic1-From Pension to GDP: the Government's New Year Resolutions
In January, China's ministries have rolled out plan to address China's longstanding societal and economic challenges. Here are some of the plans made for the next 12 months and let us talk about the Chinese government's New Year resolutions.
Topic2-University Graduates Inflate Resumes to Get Job Interviews
You have your eye on that dream job, but you don't quite have the skills or qualifications for the position. No matter how many times you submit a resume, you get nothing but a letter of rejection. What would you do in that situation? Would you do a "creative" overhaul to your resume to make you a viable candidate?
Topic3-Difficult to Rent in Beijing for Expats
In Beijing, a city of more than 21 million, it is tough to find a house. For non-native speakers, expats say apartment-hunting is even more difficult. How hard can it be?
Topic4-Bad Gifts to Give to Friends
After losing weight by 7.5 kilograms, Miss Luo's old clothes don't fit anymore. So she gave these clothes to her good friend Miss Li, who accepted them merrily. But later these two good friends turned against each other. Why is it? What are the bad gifts to give?  