英语听力:Wild China 美丽中国:彩云之南-13(在线收听

 As the flower's heat increases, a cloud of odor rises up. The foul perfume carries far and wide. It doesn't go unnoticed. Carrion beetles arrive on the scene. The beetles come in search of a feast of warm decaying flesh, but they've been tricked. Slippery sides ensure they tumble straight into the center of the monster flower. There's not enough room to spread their wings and the waxy walls ensure that there is no escape.

But there is nothing sinister in the flower's agenda. The beetles will be its unwitting helpers. Dawn arrives, but the flower remains unchanged, holding its captives through the day. As the second night falls, the witch stirs again. In a matter of minutes, the flower's precious, golden pollen squeezes from the stamens and begins to fall, showering onto the captive beetles below. Now at last, the prisoners are free to go. The flower's wall changes texture, becoming rough to provide the ideal escape ladder. Loaded with their pollen parcels, they can now climb to freedom, just as other forest witches are beginning to open. Seduced by the irresistible perfume, the beetles are sure to pay a visit, so ensuring pollination and another generation of incredibly big smelly flowers.
As dawn arrives, forest birds claim their territories in the canopy. But there's one call, which stands out among the rest, virtuoso of the forest symphony. It's a gibbon.