澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2016-01-14(在线收听

 Towns in Southwest WA are again under threat from a bushfire that's claimed two lives. Warnings for towns of Waroona and Cookernup have been upgraded from the advice to watch and act. The fire has already killed two men in their 70's and destroyed 180 properties. Incident controller Roger Armstrong says crews have managed to keep the blaze contained before more windy weather arrives today. 

The day and later this evening we will have strong winds from east again, which will test us.
In Victoria, fire authorities defended a decision to carry out backburning in the days before a bushfire ran out of control and destroyed more than a hundred homes in Wye River. The CFA has issued statement to News Breakfast, saying it approved a controlled burn ahead of fire danger days around Christmas, because it would've been risker not to clear the fuels. 
Iran has released 10 US navy sailors who were arrested after their boats strayed into Iranian waters. Iran's military says an investigation has found the intrusion was unintentional. 
An avalanche in the French Alps has killed at least two people and injured three others. The avalanche hit a school group at the Durzahlp Deux Alps resort near the Italian border.  
And six member of an Adelaide family involved in a fatal crash in India has died. A grandfather suffered a heart attack after hearing his two daughters and three grandchildren were killed in the accident.