口语:问路 指路你会么?(在线收听

   口语:问路 指路你会么?

  1.Can you tell me the way to No.1 Middle School 你能告诉我去一中的路?
  2.Could you tell me where No.1 Middle School is?你能告诉我一中在哪里?
  3.Can you tell me how I can get to No.1 Middle School?你能告诉我,我如何到达一中?
  4.Can you tell me where the nearest movie town is?你能告诉我,最近的电影城在哪里?
  5.Excuse me 对不起,打扰了!
  1.Turn left 向左转
  2.turn right向右转
  3.go straight 想直走
  4,go along the road 沿着这条路走
  5,go over the bridge 穿过大桥
  6,crossing 十字路口