

  1. I had a puncture when I was driving back from work.
  1. 我下班回家的时候车胎扎了。
  2. My car's been having engine trouble recently.
  2. 我的车发动机最近经常出问题。
  3. I left my car lights on and now the battery is flat.
  3. 我忘关车灯了。现在电都没了。
  4. I got a flat tire.
  4. 我的一个车胎瘪了。
  5. Where did you park your car?
  5. 你把车停哪儿了?
  6. I always keep a toolkit in the trunk for emergencies.
  6. 我总是在后备箱里放个工具箱以备急用。
  7. There is a dent in the side of a car.
  7. 车的一侧有凹痕。(“剐蹭”用scratches)
  8. I prefer full-service stations.
  8. 我更喜欢提供全套服务的加油站。(与full-service相对应的词为self-service)
  9. Where can I get a yearly car inspection?
  9. 我可以在哪儿给车年检?
  10. There's a chart over there which shows the recommended tire pressures for every make of car.
  10. 有车一族在享受车辆带来便利的同时,免不了还要为爱车操心各种事儿。以下这些关于车的英文表达也许你会用得着。