英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0217 - 谁才是中国“酒王”?(在线收听

Topic1-New Guideline for Left-behind Children
A new guideline has been released recently to protect the rights and well-being of left-behind children, the term refers to children and minors whose parents work and live in a different city.
The guideline specifies left-behind children under the age of 16 should not be left living alone without protection while their parents are working away from home. But is a government document enough to alleviate the plight of these migrant worker families?
Topic2-King of Drinking in China
Did you drink or was forced to drink at various dinner parties during the just passed Spring Festival? A latest survey has shown that people in some provinces drink more than others. We will find out who is the king of drinking in China.
Topic3-Why Doesn't Ban on Plastic Bags Work in China?
In 2008, China banned supermarkets and retailers from giving shoppers plastic bags for free. 7 years later, the effectiveness of the ban is under fire. As People's Court Daily, a government newspaper, says when it comes to overall plastic bag consumption, nothing has changed, except for the stores and supermarkets have made a killing as a result of it.
Topic4-What Do Children Do Online?
What do kids do online these days? A recent survey conducted by Chinese Young Pioneers Development Center found this generation of digital natives love listening to music and almost half of the juvenile respondents use wechat regularly.