英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0223 - 作为中国人,你牙好吗?(在线收听

Topic1-China Railway Corporation Determines Ticket Prices
China's National Development and Reform Commission announced that China Railway Corporation has been authorized to independently determine the prices of high speed rail tickets. What changes it may bring?
Topic2-Chinese Parents Hindered from 2nd Baby due to No Baby-care Worry
To have a second child or not is the question of many young Chinese couples have been contemplating.
A recent online opinion poll conducted in Guangzhou, a southern Chinese city, shows that close to 90-percent of families rate the biggest obstacle for having a second baby is a lack of helpers.
Topic3-Chinese People's Teeth Protection
Toothache is a joy killer, especially when a delicious meal is laid in front of you. Experts are saying dental health has been neglected by Chinese people for years. Is having bad teeth a long-time headache for many Chinese people?