美国文化脱口秀 第298期:过年必备的春节英语(在线收听


  Chinese New Year: 最一目了然、最普及的说法Spring Festival: 对中国文化有些认知的老外才懂Lunar calendar: 阴历 ("春节"也叫Lunar New Year, 但不常用)Solar calendar: 阳历
  Celebrate Chinese New Year
  Chinese New Year's Eve: 年三十
  New Year's Day: 年初一
  15 days of Chinese New Year celebration: 初一到十五"猴年"英语怎么说?
  The Year of the Monkey
  The Year of the ____: 填上特定的动物,就是那个生肖年"生肖"英语怎么说?
  Chinese zodiac
  Chinese animal signs
  What's your Chinese zodiac?
  What's your animal sign?
  The Chinese New Year spirit: 年味儿
  The holiday spirit is weakening in big cities: 大城市年味儿越来越淡了Chinese scrolls: 春联
  Homemade specialty: 家常拿手菜
  There's so much food. I'm stuffed: 菜太多了,吃撑了Chinese dumplings: 饺子
  You have to have a fish dish at New Year's dinner: 年夜饭,一定要有鱼Fish symbolizes abundance: 鱼象征"余"
  The pronunciations are the same: 读音一样Chinese idiom: 成语
  More to come in the new year: 年年有余
  Visiting/seeing family and friends: 走亲访友Spend quality time with my parents/my folks: 好好陪陪父母Chinese New Year travel season: 春运
  之前有用户留言问,红包能说"lucky money","New Year's cash"吗?
  Spencer表示听着很奇怪,最常用的还是Hongbao和red envelope.
  Fireworks: 烟花
  Firecrackers: 鞭炮