二战启示录 第60期:美国盟友(7)(在线收听

   The children's fathers are prisoners in Germany.

  Staller camps for enlisted men and Offler camps for the officers.
  史塔勒战俘营囚禁的是士兵,奥夫勒战俘营则用来囚禁军官Gaston Schillerc in prison in June 1940, writes:
  "I waste the five best years of my life in Staller"“我在史塔勒战俘营中浪费了人生中最珍贵的5年岁月”
  "from 20 to 25 without my wife."
  In the Offler the officers are treated better.
  The French genernals are in turned the fortress in Konigstein near Dresden法国的将军遭囚禁于科尼斯坦的城堡,邻近德勒斯登including the unfortunate leader of the Battle of France such as Genernal Giraud.
  His jailer takes great delighted in filming him during an interesting visit to the city of Dresden他的狱卒以拍摄他的影片为乐,尤其在他造访德勒斯登的期间which British bombs would later raze to the ground.
  At age of 63, Genernal Giraud would become the hero of an acrobatic escape that will infuriate Hitler.
  吉罗将军时年63岁,后来因其戏剧性的逃脱成为英雄人物,让希特勒勃然大怒For a while Giraud will be the rival of Genernal De Gaulle.
  It is De Gaulle howerver who from London embodys "the French Resistance".
  In France attacks against the occupiers has been on the rise在法国境内攻击占领军的行动日益增加
  especially since the communists jion the resistance struggle following Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union.
  尤其在德国侵略苏联后,有许多共产党员加入抵抗运动In retaliation of anti-German attacks hostages are executed.
  De Gaulle now has a small army fighting alongside the British in Africa called "Free French Forces"戴高乐旗下有支小型军队,协助驻非洲的英军作战称为“自由法国军团”
  Its members have been sentenced to death by the Vichy government其中成员皆被维琪政权判处死刑
  Some are in fighting since the 18th of June 1940.
  The most famous among them is Genernal Leclerc其中最知名的是勒克莱尔将军
  His real name is Philip De Aote Clark but he adopted this alias to protect his familys back in France原名是菲利浦德奥特克拉克,但他采用此化名以保护尚留在法国境内的家人After being promoted to genernal by De Gaulle he fashioned the kepi for himself被戴高乐提拔为将军后,他在自己军用平顶帽上with two stars taken from a Itlian after the victorious battle in Cufra in Libya装饰了两颗从意大利人处夺来的星星,这是利比亚库夫拉战役获胜的战利品That day Leclerc said to his men:
  "Swear that you would not lay down your arms"“在此宣誓你们绝对不会罢手”
  "Untill our flags flies once again over the Cathedral of Strasbourg"“除非我们的旗帜再度飘扬于斯特拉斯堡大教堂之上”
  For 15 days at Bir Hakeim in the Libya desert other Free French Forces repel the German offensive在利比亚沙漠的哈肯井激战15天后,自由法国军团的其他部队击退了德军的进攻行动launched by Rommel, the "Desert Fox", at his Africa Corps.
  此行动由“沙漠之狐”隆美尔及非洲军团所发动In this global conflict the so called "Axis Powers" the line between Germany, Italy and Japan are positioned on all fronts在这场全球的战争中,所谓的轴心国,也就是德意日三国联盟现在部署在各个战线上The Africa Corps is just outside Egypt
  The Wehrmacht occupied a third of Russia.
  The imperial navy of Japan controls the Pacific and Germany submarines are raking havoc in Atlantic日本皇军掌握了太平洋区,德军潜艇则在大西洋区造成浩劫The U-boat is arguably Germany most dangerous weaponU型潜艇无疑是德军最危险的武器
  In the first few months in 1942 the submarines have sank 4 million tons of allied ships oil tankers, freighter loaded with arms and planes1942初这种潜艇击沉了同盟国共4百万公吨重的船舰,包括油轮以及载满武器,飞机的货轮on their way with fresh supplies to Great Britain.
  这些都是要提供物资给几近窒息之英军的补给船Even though the United States has joined the conflict the war seems to be lost. The world is on the brink of destruction.