
   1.Swap processed food for fresh food

  When you’re tired, it’s easy to reach for that can of soup for a quick fix. However, processed foods include unnecessary ingredients like sugars, “unhealthy” fats , high sodium content and preservatives making them high energy, high calorie meals that pack on the pounds. Whole, fresh foods give your body nutrients without the high caloric baggage.
  2.Eat a high-protein breakfast
  Starting the day with carbs (like bread, potatoes, pancakes) may give you an instant energy boost but beware of that inevitable sugar crash that makes you want to eat more as the day wears on. A breakfast that’s rich in proteins (like eggs) on the other hand maintains your insulin level so you burn sugar slowly for a stable energy output throughout your day. You’ll feel satiated and won’t be reaching for unhealthy snacks as much.
  Baked, scrambled, boiled, poached or so many other interesting ways,eggs are a great way to get your protein for the day. If you’re in a rush, you can always consider a quick Greek yogurt parfait or low fat cheeses.
  3.Eat smaller portions more often
  “I believe in eating smaller meals more often throughout the day to keep the metabolism going.” – chef Todd English“我相信一天经常吃小餐更利于新陈代谢”。---厨师托德This one is all about energy management. When you eat a large meal, your digestive system is overburdened leading to bloating. Your body is further conditioned to store energy as fat. Plus you’ll be craving more sugar.
  So eat smaller portions more often.
  4.Eat smart – Make healthy substitutions明智的吃---健康食物的替换
  Heating healthy should never mean having to give up eating what you like. If that were the case, it would be a difficult habit to cultivate. Make healthy substitutions where you can instead.
  5.Get your vitamin D
  Whether it’s our collective lifestyle or the choice of foods, the number of people with vitamin D deficiency has been growing. Vitamin D balances your hunger hormones (insulin ) and boosts your happy hormone (seratonin) with the combined effect of reducing those sugar cravings and keeping you from reaching out for unhealthy snacks. So get more vitamin D in your body.
  Vitamin D sources
  ·Even 30 minutes of time in the sun everyday can help boost vitamin D levels每天晒30分钟的太阳也可以帮助提高维生素D水平·Fatty fish (salmon, trout, tuna, mackerel) is high in vitamin D so include fish in your food weekly·脂质鱼(鲑鱼,鲑鱼,金枪鱼,鲭鱼)中富含维生素D,所以你每周的食物中要有鱼类。
  ·Vegan? Then make mushrooms a staple at home , or try fortified juices or suppliments素食主义者?那就用国内的蘑菇或者尝试强化果汁或维生素D的补充品。