
   You are your own best friend and the one most important person in your life. Therefore it is so crucial to consider the way you talk and treat yourself daily. Often we judge ourselves, we feel guilty after doing something wrong and we constantly put ourselves down. Think what a huge difference it will make once you start talking to yourself in a more positive way- with more awareness and kindness. Using only a couple of these affirmations will make significant changes to your daily life.

  1.I believe in my dreams
  Believe in yourself and all that you are. Believe that everything and anything can be possible and you can have all the things you desire. Telling yourself that you believe in your dreams will help you become a more confident person. One thing that no one can take away from you is your own belief in your ability to succeed and have the life you’ve always wanted. Trust yourself and trust the universe that dreams do come true once you really start believing in them.
  2.I am doing my best every day
  No matter if you managed to do something small or big today, every day you are giving your best to create the life you want. Success comes in little baby steps and it does not happen overnight. Constantly remind yourself that you do the best you can every day and you learn daily from your mistakes. Even if you had a bad day today, just appreciate yourself for trying and making a little progress every single day.
  3.I love myself for who I am
  The next time you see yourself in the mirror, stop for a minute, look into your eyes and simply say “I love you”. Tell yourself that you love all the imperfections in yourself because that is really what makes you the person you are. You cannot expect to give love to other people if you do not give it to yourself first. When you start accepting and loving the person you are inside, you will open up your heart to receive even more love and appreciation from other people.
  4.I am in charge of my own happiness
  No one can come and turn you into a more positive and satisfied person. You are responsible for your own happiness. You will be only disappointed if you have expectations of searching happiness somewhere outside of yourself. Realize the truth that you carry all the love, happiness and satisfaction you have always dreamed of inside yourself. Become responsible for your own feelings and take responsibility for this daily.
  5.I accept 100% responsibility for my own life我100%对自己的生活负责
  Like the point about being in charge of your own happiness – you need to take full responsibility for your actions too. When you start complaining about your circumstances, your life situation or the people around you you only harm yourself. Nobody is responsible for the life you are living because you are creating your own reality. You, your own thoughts and daily actions shape every single day of your life.
  6.The best is yet to come
  Now that is really inspirational to tell yourself daily. Believe that even if today was not like you wanted it to be, tomorrow will be a better day. Believe that the next day will bring you better opportunities. By doing that you simply start attracting more positive things into your life.
  7.I am grateful for every day
  Appreciate every single day for the way it turned out. You do not have the power to change the things that happen to you but you can change your own attitude. Be grateful for every little good thing that the day brought you. Also be thankful that you have been part of this day because it is simply a miracle to wake up healthy and alive and be able to do the things you love every day!