英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0303 - 发胖都怪雾霾(在线收听

Topic1-Shenyang Encourages Students and Graduates to Buy Houses
A guideline published on Tuesday to boost apartment sale in Shenyang has triggered a heated debate. The guideline plans to encourage college students and new graduates to buy property. However, the publicity department of Shenyang later announced the policy is still in the pipeline.
Topic2-Smog Makes You Fatter
Smog is bad for people’s health. The bad air quality makes it difficult to breathe, and may even give rise to respiratory disease. But do you know that smog may make you fatter? A US study revealed that people may put on more weight during smoggy days. Really? Is it true?
Topic3-China to Unveil Retirement Age Plan in 2016: Official
China's retirement age is 60 for men, 55 or 50 for women. However, recently, a government official has revealed that the country will release a plan on raising the retirement age this year. Why is that? 