英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0310 - 会聊天才会有妹子(在线收听

Topic1-China tops in digital payment adoption worldwide
Today’s Chinese shoppers don’t go to the nearest brick and motor store without checking their nearest digital device. A report shows when it comes to digital payment; Chinese consumers top the adoption rate chart in the world. Why are we so into digital payment?
Topic2-Good Table Manner Helps You Get the Job
When you are summoned for a job interview, of course you need to get all ready, like prepare for possible questions and shop for formal attire. A boss in a Chongqing company also invites job applicants for a meal as part of the recruitment process. Why is that?
Topic4-Top 10 Sentences that Piss Girlfriends off on the Phone
A recent survey has revealed a list of 10 sentences that may easily piss your girlfriend or wife off if you spill it out. What are these sentences? Why do ladies hate it?