
 As the annual sessions of National People’s Congress (NPC)and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC), also referred as the “two sessions,” are just aroundthe corner, eight agendas have been laid out which cansummarize the country’s policy objectives.

  For the Chinese people, the two major events, coming at thestarting year of China’s “13th Five-Year Plan,” carry significant weight as the country enters thedecisive stage in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.
  No 1. The “13th Five-Year Plan”
  China’s “13th Five-Year Plan”, a roadmap for the nation’s development from 2016 to 2020, hasspecifically laid out its blueprint got the next 5 years.
  During the two sessions, deputies will demonstrate their strong determination to implement thefive notions stressed by the plan, which include innovation, coordination, environmentalprotection, openness and sharing. They will tell the world the implementation approaches as well.
  No. 2 Poverty reduction campaign
  The policy of targeted poverty alleviation is of groundbreaking significance. Targets, enforcers andapproaches of the program are to be identified during the two sessions.
  No. 3 Supply-side reform
  “Promoting supply-side structural reform” was first proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinpingmonths ago. Guided by this strategy, the government will optimize China’s economic structurethrough reforms that include reducing overcapacity and boosting emerging industries.
  Decision makers at all levels will take the two sessions as a platform to communicate experienceand contribute suggestions.
  No. 4 “Belt and Road” initiative
  The proposal to build the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road putforward by Xi has been echoed by over 60 countries and regions along the route.
  As another hot topic of this year’s two sessions, this diplomatic priority is expected to bring morewin-win results.
  No. 5 Possible revise on the charity law
  To guide and ensure a sound development of charitable causes, the Standing Committee of theNPC has deliberated the draft of the charity law twice. The public are concerned about whether thelaw will be further amended during this year’s two sessions.
  No. 6 Reform on the judiciary system
  As most of the tasks of China’s reform on the judiciary system are expected to be completed bythe end of 2017, the Chinese government hopes to improve its capability in maintaining nationalsecurity and social stability.
  Amid such a backdrop, the reports to be delivered by the Supreme People’s Court and theSupreme People’s Procuratorate are highly anticipated.
  No. 7 Green development
  Buzzwords like “APEC Blue” and “Parade Blue” have raised people’s awareness of greendevelopment.
  As China’s policy to emphasize a balance among production, living environment and ecology winspopularity among the public, deputies believe that they shoulder the responsibility of addressingmajor environmental roadblocks including smog and water pollution.
  No. 8 Institutional anti-corruption
  In recent three years, China’s anti-corruption campaign has been striving to foster a system thatallows zero tolerance for corruption. At the beginning of 2016, Xi stressed to “create a greenpolitical eco-system” in his New Year’s message.
  The 2016 NPC and CPPCC will be a window for Chinese people to examine the “green eco-system.”