英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0318 - 穿越的正确打开方式(在线收听

Topic 1- Smog Promotes O2O & E-commerce Development
Beijing is once again seeing heavy smog these few days. Media reports have revealed that the heavy smog has led to a significant increase in the orders of O2O (online to offline) services as well as the sales of online shopping in the Chinese capital. So first of all, how big is the increase? Can we really say smog is helping the O2O or e-commerce business?
Topic 2-Time-travel Course in University Goes Viral
Recently, a special course in a university in southeast China has gone viral. The course aims to give students some experiences if they happen to time-travel to the pre-Qin period (?-221 B.C.) (around 200 or 300 B.C.) What exactly is being taught in this course? Is this innovative teaching or sheer nonsense?
Topic 3-Photos of 'A4 waist' renew weight controversy on social networks
Showing off an "A4 waist" — a waist that can be covered by a piece of A4 paper — has become the new trend on China's social media. It comes hot on the heels of the belly button challenge, which involves attempting to touch your belly button by reaching behind your back. Only the skinniest can achieve it. Why are people crazy about this fad and is it really scientific?