
 2015年,习大大走过了很多国家地区,出席过很多重要会议,发表了很多主旨演讲,引用过很多经典古语。2015年,习大大让中国很风采 ,也让中国文化很出彩 。这一年,习大大到底向世界传递了哪些中国文化的信息呢?

  3月28日上午,博鳌亚洲论坛(Boao Forum for Asia)2015年年会在海南博鳌开幕,国家主席习近平出席开幕式并发表主旨演讲。习大大在演讲中指出,世界好,亚洲才能好;亚洲好,世界才能好;并强调坚持合作共赢、共同发展。
  Our friends in Southeast Asia say that the lotus flowers grow taller as the water rises.
  Our friends in Africa say that if you want to go fast, walk alone; and if you want to go far, walktogether.
  Our friends in Europe say that a single tree cannot block the chilly wind.
  Chinese people say that when big rivers have water, the small ones are filled; and when smallrivers have water, the big ones are filled.
  中国古代思想家孟子说过:"夫物之不齐,物之情也。"Mencius, the great philosopher in ancient China, said, "Things are born to be different."中华民族历来爱好和平,自古就崇尚"以和为贵"、"协和万邦"、"四海之内皆兄弟也"等思想。
  The Chinese nation loves peace and has, since ancient times, held high such philosophies that"harmony is the most valuable", "peace and harmony should prevail" and "all men under heavenare brothers".
  Close neighbors are better than distant relatives. This is a simple truth that the Chinese people gotto know in ancient times.
  习近平主席在巴基斯坦议会演讲中引用的经典名句4月20-21日,国家主席习近平对巴基斯坦进行国事访问。21日,习近平在巴基斯坦议会发表题为《构建中巴命运共同体 开辟合作共赢新征程》的重要演讲。习近平指出,不论国际风云如何变幻,中国将始终从战略高度和长远角度看待中巴关系,将巴基斯坦置于中国外交优先位置。
  As an old Chinese saying goes, "Meeting a good friend for the first time is like having a reunionwith an old friend."巴基斯坦人民将中巴友谊比喻为"比山高,比海深,比蜜甜"。
  The Pakistani people say that China-Pakistan friendship is higher than the mountain, deeper thanthe sea and sweeter than honey.
  And we Chinese fondly refer to the Pakistani people as our good friends, good neighbors, goodpartners, and good brothers.
  巴基斯坦国父真纳说过:"我们不辞赴汤蹈火,因为相信阳光未来。"The founding father of Pakistan Muhammad Ali Jinnah said that "We are not afraid of the deep seaor the fire, because we believe in the sun and the future."巴基斯坦认为"诚信比财富更有用",中国认为"人而无信,不知其可也",两国传统文化理念契合相通。
  The Pakistanis believe that good faith is more precious than wealth. And we Chinese believe that aperson cannot do without credibility.
  Back in the 1930s, the great Pakistani poet Muhammad Iqbal wrote that the Chinese people arewaking up from their sleep and the spring of Mount Himalaya is bursting.
  Strong wind reveals the strength of grass, and genuine gold stands the test of fire.
  The Chinese culture believes that to achieve success, one should let others succeed as well. Chinachampions a right approach to principles and interests.
  巴基斯坦有一句谚语:"风,不是总朝着海员希望的方向吹。"There is a saying in Pakistan that the wind does not always blow in the direction which the sailorwishes.
  Over 2,000 years ago, the Chinese already knew that a belligerent country, however big it may be,is doomed. "Do not do onto others what you do not want others to do onto you." This is aprinciple that we Chinese adhere to, and we do not subscribe to the belief that a country is boundto seek hegemony when it becomes powerful.
  巴基斯坦国父真纳说:"只有通过团结一致的努力,才能把我们的理想变成现实。"Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founding father of Pakistan, once observed that only through unitedefforts can we turn our ideals into reality.
  Known as the Evergreen State and the Emerald City众人拾柴火焰高。
  The fire burns high when everyone brings wood to it.
  "Law is the very foundation of governance."中国人2000多年前就认识到了"国虽大,好战必亡"的真理。
  The Chinese recognized as early as 2,000 years ago that "though a country is now strong,bellicosity will lead to its ruin.""桃李不言,下自成蹊。"
  As an old Chinese saying goes, "Peaches and plums do not talk, yet a path is formed beneaththem."中国古人说:"度之往事,验之来事,参之平素,可则决之。"An ancient Chinese said, "A decision can be properly made after taking into account the past, thefuture and the normal practices."我们要坚持以事实为依据,防止三人成虎,也不疑邻盗斧,不能戴着有色眼镜观察对方。
  We should strictly base our judgement on facts, lest we become victim to hearsay, paranoid, orself-imposed bias.
  中国古人说:"度之往事,验之来事,参之平素,可则决之。"An ancient Chinese said, "A decision can be properly made after taking into account the past, thefuture and the normal practices."世界上本无"修昔底德陷阱"
  There is no such thing as the so-called Thucydides trap in the world.
  As a Chinese saying goes, "The sun and the moon shine in different ways, yet their brightness isjust right for the day and the night respectively."基辛格博士在其著作《世界秩序》中说:"评判每一代人时,要看他们是否正视了人类社会最宏大和最重要的问题。"Dr. Kissinger wrote in his book World Order and I quote, that "each generation will be judged bywhether the greatest, most consequential issues of the human condition have been faced."马丁·路德·金先生也说过:"做对的事,任何时机都是好时机。"And Martin Luther King said, "The time is always right to do the right thing."习近平访英期间引用的经典名句
  People are the foundation of a country, and only with stable foundation can the country enjoypeace.
  Shakespeare wrote: What's past is prologue.
  培根说过,智者创造机会,而不是等待机会,中国也有句名言,"机不可失、失不再来。"Francis Bacon wrote: Wise men make more opportunities than they find. And we China often say:An opportunity miss is an opportunity lost.
  Nothing, not even mountains and oceans, can separate people with shared goals and vision.
  Opportunity may knock just once; grab it before it slips away.
  Coming back here and seeing the towering Big Ben and rippling River Thames, I feel very much athome.
  People don't need to wear the same shoes; they should find what suit their feet. Governmentsdon't have to adopt the same model of governance; they should find what benefits their people.
  From daily necessities such as food,clothing, housing and transport, to energy, infrastructure,finance and scientific research, the fruits of our practical cooperation have brought real benefits toour people's everyday lives.
  "To be or not to be, that is the question." This line from Hamlet has left a lasting impression onme.
  All good principles should adapt to changing times to remain relevant.
  习近平在气候变化巴黎大会开幕式上引用的经典名句11月30日, 气候变化巴黎大会在法国巴黎布尔歇展览中心开始举行,来自150多个国家的领导人出席大会开幕活动。开幕式上,习近平主席发表了题为《携手构建合作共赢、公平合理的气候变化治理机制》的重要讲话。
  法国作家雨果说:"最大的决心会产生最高的智慧。"The French writer Victor Hugo once observed in Les Miserables that "supreme resources springfrom extreme resolutions."万物各得其和以生,各得其养以成。
  All things live in harmony and grow with nourishments.
  Chinese culture values harmony between man and nature and respects nature.
  The Internet has turned the world into a global village where distance no longer prevents peoplefrom interacting with each other.
  "When there is mutual care, the world will be in peace; when there is mutual hatred, the world willbe in chaos."网络空间不是"法外之地"。
  Cyberspace is not a place beyond the rule of law.
  Security and development are like the two wings of a bird or the two wheels of a cart.
  "All good principles should adapt to changing times to remain relevant."习近平在亚太经合组织工商领导人峰会上引用的经典名句当地时间11月18日,国家主席习近平在菲律宾马尼拉出席亚太经合组织工商领导人峰会并发表题为《发挥亚太引领作用应对世界经济挑战》的主旨演讲。此次习主席就亚太地区及中国经济发展等方面发表重要意见。
  An ancient Chinese philosopher remarks that the key to running a country is to make its peoplebetter-off.
  Even the shortest journey can't be finished without taking the first step. Even the most trivial taskcan't be completed without taking action.