英语角-RoundTable0325 - 不想注孤生?跟Ryan学撩妹!(在线收听

 Topic 1-Problematic Vaccines

The biggest medical scandal at the moment is improperly stored vaccines flooding the market. It is suspected that such vaccines worth more than 570 million yuan have been sold in at least 24 provincial areas.
Topic 2-One Yuan Note to be Replaced with Coin
China plans to stop using the one yuan banknotes, and replace them gradually by one yuan coins. Why is the move? Which one do you prefer to use, note or coin?
Topic 3-Party Official Promotes Town Tourism with Ancient Costume Photos
Photos of a woman dressed like 小龙女,wearing an all-white traditional costume and posing in a park with plum flowers in the background have gone viral. To netizens' surprise, the lady is a party official in charge of tourism and communication for the town of Wangtan in Shaoxing, in eastern China's Zhejiang province.
Topic 4-Man Designs Love Evaluation Form to Find Girlfriend
A man, desperate for a girlfriend, has designed a risk evaluation form which he thinks can help him find his dream girl. Will he succeed in finding The One? Well, it hasn't worked so far.