英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0330 - 用大数据精准补贴贫困生(在线收听

 Topic 1-Big Data Helps University Customize Financial Support to Students

After analyzing how all undergraduates use their meal cards in the university cafeteria, Nanjing University of Science & Technology has injected cash into the meal cards of 301 students. Is big data collection a viable solution for financial support on campus?
Topic 2-Controversial Dragon Pattern in Wheat Field
Mysterious crop circles provoke puzzlement, delight, and intrigue for people. Now in a village in Nanjing, dragon shaped patterns have been flattened in a wheat field by local villagers. It is said that poisonous weed killers have been used to create the pattern, for what purpose? To attract tourists. Does the end justify the means?
Topic 3-Filial Piety List Published in Shandong Village
A billboard of filial piety showing how much money children give to old parents has been released in a village in east China's Shandong Province. Why should the list be announced to the public?