英语悠选脱口秀 第3期:腐国留学同学多(在线收听


Today’s key word is Destination. n.目的,目标;目的地,终点;
The stockmarket is a comparatively attractive savings destination.
Nowadays, more and more Chinese students are choosing to go abroad to pursue their University studies.
UK has proven to be one of the hottest destinations for these perspective students.
Some students are also enrolled in international summer holiday camps, which may ensure that they are ready to study in the country.
Last year nearly 60,000 Chinese undergraduates moved to the UK for their studies.
The number of Chinese students in the UK far exceeds any other nationalities.
So, it is just about getting on an airplane and simply traveling? Or are there some preparations to do before they leave?
Now join us in the studio is Nick Scott,
Founder of Visit University in London, UK.
---英国高等教育统计局(Higher Education Statistics Agency)最新公布的数据显示,2013年至2014年共有87,895名中国学生到英国接受高等教育。占同年英国大学本科和硕士的总学生人数的4%。---英国《卫报》去年一篇报道称,2013到2014赴英国就读大一的中国学生几乎有6万人,已超过其他来自欧盟地区的学生人数.