英语悠选脱口秀 第6期:Compulsory我想上学(在线收听


Today's key word is compulsory. adj.必须做的,强制性的;义务的;必修的.
But compulsory licences for chronic diseases are more controversial.
If something is complusory, you must do it or accept it.Because it is the law or because someone in the position of authority says you must.
Let's use compulsory in a sentence.
In most schools, mathematics education is compulsory.
I wish that someone could tell him that these things are not compulsory.
A subsidy of about 20 billion US dollars has been given to compulsory education mostly in rural areas.
So, what's the age for compulsory education?
China has a 9 year free compulsory education which requires every child to receive a formal education from age 6 to 15. The subsidy has risen by 1.2 billion US dollars from last year.
The subsidy will mostly go to schools in the central and western part of the country for renovating school buildings and raising teachers' salaries.
It means: 200 yuan per square meter for school renovation
40,000 yuan more for each teacher's annual payment
The statement also stressed that any embezzlement of the money will be severely punished.