英语悠选脱口秀 第8期:Engine考试可以用谷歌搜答案(在线收听


Today's key word is Engine engine[英][‘end??n][美][‘?nd??n] n.发动机,引擎; 工具; 火车头; 机车; vt.给…安装发动机; Eg. is a search engine.)
It means: A machine designed to convert one form of energy into mechanical energy.
This car has a new engine.
A web search engine is a software system that is designed to search for information on the internet.
Today, let's go to the UK and see there is a suggestion saying whether it is a good idea to allow student use search engines like or in the examinations.
Mark Dawe is the head of the Oxford, Cambridge and RSA Examinations board.
Dawe claims that schoolchildren only have limited time to use the search engine during tests and that it's like using a calculator in Mathematics examination.
Very interesting topic and certainly generated a lot of discussion especially in the UK where this is being proposed.
You are gonna hear some students kinda of saying this is a cool idea. Some educators are protesting it.
Online comments:
@Tama Kino from venturebeat.com comments (against)
No point in having exams if they can just the answers. The whole point of exams is to test retained knowledge but if they can use there's no reason to study. will just help schools produce morons instead of academics.