

You Complain A Lot
If you're constantly complaining about your job,lack of money, or unfair life, people won't care to spend a lot of time with you. Complaining gets old fast. Try to develop a more positive attitude and look for more interesting topics to discuss rather than what's going wrong in your life.
You Ditch Your Friends When You're in a Relationship
If you're guilty of ditching your friends every time you begin dating someone new, it's likely your friends won't sit around and wait to hear your breakup story. Instead, they'll move on without you. It's important to find a balance between spending time with your pals and your latest romantic interest.
You're Selfish
Consider whether or not being selfish contributes to the fact that you don't have friends. Friendship requires you to give, evenwhen you don't feel like it. If you're only willing to do what you want, when you want it, it's unlikely that your friends will tolerate it for very long.