
Have Fun
Life is not meant to be an ever-ending to-do list. What makes you feel happy and excited? Do more of that. And before you claim you don't have the time, please realize that there is no such thing as enough time in the day. There is, however, a thing called priorities and making the time for fun is a priority if you want to be happy.
Pay Attention
When is the last time you really looked at the full moon and shining stars in the pitch black sky? What about the trees in your backyard that are the size of prehistoric dinosaurs? Have you picked a flower at the park lately (for the purpose of nasal delight or hair decoration)? You are surrounded by beautiful things.
Smile because you are worthy of love and happiness and free to have as much as your heart desires (and also you're going to have a hard time staying sad with that cute grin plastered on your face).