联合国首次公开面试秘书长候选人 半数为女性(在线收听

 The UN launched its first-ever public hearings for the job of the next UN secretary-general.

Last Tuesday marked the start of three days of General Assembly (GA) public hearings, at which the current nine candidates, five men and four women, each have been given two hours to make a presentation and then answer questions from GA members as well as representatives of civil society.
The hearings, televised and webcast around the world, are part of a broader push for more transparency in the selection of the UN secretary-general.
联合国首次公开面试秘书长候选人 半数为女性
The council is expected to hold its first "straw poll" - a sort of informal vote - behind closed doors in July and aims to have a decision by September so the General Assembly can elect the next UN chief in October.
大会预计将举行第一次“民意调查”—— 一种非正式投票——将在今年七月份私下进行,预计九月份会得出结果,而下任联合国秘书长最终将在十月选出。
The organization has had eight secretary-generals in its 70-year history, all of them men. There have been many calls for the next holder of the position to be a woman.
Half of the candidates nominated so far are women: UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova of Bulgaria; former Croatian Foreign Minister Vesna Pusic; Moldova's former Foreign Minister Natalia Gherman; and former New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark, who heads the UN Development Programme.
Also in the race are former Macedonian Foreign Minister Srgjan Kerim; Montenegro Foreign Minister Igor Luksic; former Slovenian President Danilo Turk; and former UN High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres, who is also a former Portuguese prime minister.
More candidates are expected to enter the race in the next few weeks.