英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0420-中国人为什么爱存钱(在线收听

Topic 1-Man, 57, detained in courier beating captured on video
The Beijing police have placed a 57-year-old man in 10-day administrative detention, after he was identified as the driver who allegedly beat a delivery man in Dongcheng district. What has happened exactly and what can couriers do to protect themselves?
Topic 2-Why Chinese People Love to Save Money?
Chinese love to save up. As stats show Chinese people put 30% of their income in the bank. The interesting contrast is that Americans apparently only save 2% of their income.
Topic 3-5 Types of Chinese Bosses
If there’s someone most likely to drop into your nightmares, it is your boss. Our bosses are very special to us - they know what drives us, how to hurt us, and most shamefully, where our bottom lines are. Today is their turn to be whipped by Round Table.