澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2016-03-10(在线收听


And thank you Virginia. The new deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce could face an early start to his election campaign with former independent Tony Windsor, said to announce he will run in the seat of New England. Mr. Windsor held that New Southwales seat before retiring in 2013. The former independent says he will make a campaign announcement at ten this morning.

Meanwhile, the unofficial election campaign is clearly in full swing despite no date being set yet. Malcom Turnbull was seen at a pub in Aldelaid last night, while Bill Shorten will be visiting L on the New Southwales coast today. Both parties were focusing heavily on Queensland and New Southwales, with Labor needing to pick up 21 seats to regain power.

The refugee crisis in Europe has reached a new low point with Macedonia blocking the bulk migration route from Greece. The move will leave around 14,000 asylum seekers stranded in Greece. Macedonia's move follows the imposition of tight controls in Slovinia, Serbia and Croatia.

And 18 hours standoff with a gunman in New Zealand has ended peacefully, with the man being taken into custody. Four police officers were shot yesterday in the bay of P, after a routine * investigation turn violent. Two of the injured officers are still on hospital and both are in a stable condition. 

And Buckingham palace had complained to the UK press watchdog about a newspaper article claiming the Queen backs Britain's exit from the European Union. The Sun quoting anonymous sources, claims the Queen has patched feelings about Europe, and support the so-called Brexit. The palace, though, insists the article is inaccurate, and says her majesty remains politically neutral.
