澳洲新闻 (ABC新闻快递) 2016-03-11(在线收听


An incredible story of survival has unfolded in Sydney after a desperate mother threw her two children from the window of a burning second floor unit. Both children, a two day old baby and a two year old survived after being caught by passerby. Fire fighters also used a ladder to rescue a women as fire engulfed the department in L. Truely amazing. 

A seven year old boy has disappeared on the Gold Coast, sparking a frantic search by police and volunteers. Queensland police fear Kobe Chandler maybe at significant risk after he went missing yesterday afternoon. Kobe was last seen at four o'clock in his Southport State School uniform.

The jobs of more than 550 workers at Clive Palmer's town for Nickel Refinery hanging in the balance this morning. And administrators running the troubled Queensland Nickle Plant have told workers they are no longer required and the operation will close at five this afternoon. Clive Palmer's new management company is taking over the refinery, but it needs environmental approval from the Queensland government to reemploy staff and resume operations.

Former Prime Minister John Howard has reviewed he advised Tony Abbot to dump his chief staff Peta Credlin. Mr. Howard told Skynews he also urged Mr. Abbot to demote Joe Hockey and make Malcom Turnbull the Treasurer. Did you urge him to remove Peta Credlin? I gave his advice on two personal. * is not that one of them, and also the Treasurer, but. You told Malcom Turnbull. Yes, I did. I did that.
