世界名人简介 第63期:乔布斯(在线收听

 Steve Jobs was the co-founder and CEO of Apple Inc. and former CEO of Pixar Animation Studios. He was the largest individual shareholder in Walt Disney. Jobs’ name is associated with innovative products like the iPod, iPhone, iTunes and iPad. He was a much-respected corporate leader whose management style is studied worldwide. His attention to design, function and style won him millions of fans.

Jobs was born in San Francisco in 1955. He became interested in computers when he was a teenager and attended lectures after school at Hewlett Packard. In 1974, Jobs got a job as a technician at the video game maker Atari. He saved enough money to backpack around India and then returned to Atari, where he met Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak.
Jobs and Wozniak founded Apple in 1976. Jobs persuaded Wozniak to make a computer and sell it. Together, they developed the Mac. It was the first small computer with a user-friendly interface to be commercially successful. Jobs also built the computer on which the World Wide Web was created. He developed a passion for style and functional perfection, which became Apple trademarks.
Jobs guided Apple to be a major player in the digital revolution. The introduction of the iMac and other cutting-edge products made Apple a powerful brand with a loyal following. Jobs also enjoyed considerable success at Pixar. He created Oscar-winning movies such as ‘Toy Story’ and ‘Finding Nemo’. Jobs' advice for success is: “You’ve got to find what you love." He died in October 2011, aged 56.
1.interested in 对…感兴趣
例句:It bothered me that boys weren't interested in me.
2.passion for 兴趣
例句:He has developed a consuming passion for chess.
他对下棋产生了极为浓厚的兴趣。 revolution 数字革命
例句:The digital revolution is both necessitating and facilitating radical changes in how and what we learn.
4.cutting-edge 最前沿的
例句:This shipyard is at the cutting edge of world shipbuilding technology.