【英语原版童书】The Bossy Pig(1)(在线收听

 "We will have a picnic on Saturday,"Mrs.Pig told 

her friends."You must come."
Mrs.Pig made a list."I want a table and six chairs,"said
"I want some juice and some plates."
She was a very bossy pig.
"I can bring a blanket,"said Mrs.Sheep.
"A blanket is not on my list,"said Mrs.Pig.
"You bring the table."
"All right,"said Mrs.Sheep.
Mrs.Pig looked at her list."You bring six chairs,"
she told Mrs.Goat.
"All right,"said Mrs.Goat.
"I can bring some milk,"said Mrs.Cow.
"Milk is not on my list,"said Mrs.Pig.
"You bring some juice."
She was such a bossy pig!
Mrs.Pig looked at her list again.
"We need plates,"she told Mr.Horse."I will bring plates,"
said Mr.Horse.