世界节假日博览 第94期:母亲节(在线收听

 Mother's Day is an important day all around the world, even though it started in North America and Europe. Not all countries celebrate it on the same day, but the most popular day is the second Sunday in May. It is, of course, a day to honour our mothers and make them feel extra special. A punctuation point about the day is that most countries choose the singular possessive “Mother’s Day”, with the apostrophe before the ‘s’ to show that each family honours their mother, rather than all of the world’s mothers. Young children get especially excited about Mother’s Day and put a lot of effort into making cards and presents for their Mums, or Moms in America. For mothers, it is like having a second birthday.

尽管它起源北美和欧洲,但母亲节在全球享有重要地位。庆祝时间各国并不统一,但多数会在5月的第二个周日庆祝。我们会在这天感恩母亲,让她们感受到特殊对待。关于母亲节的英文符号,多数国家采用单数名词“Mother's Day”,“s”前的单引号想要表达的是,每个家庭感恩自己的母亲,而非全天下的母亲。儿童对母亲节尤为兴奋,在准备礼物和贺卡上煞费苦心。对于母亲来说,母亲节就像是她们的第二个生日。
Mother's Day in the USA, the UK, Canada, Australia, etc. means mothers usually get the day off from housework. It is common for children to cook for their mother so she can have breakfast in bed. She also receives presents, flowers and cards. In America, Mother's Day is the busiest day of the year for restaurants, as children take their Mums to lunch and/or dinner. Americans spend a lot on this day over $2.5 billion on flowers and $70 million on Mother’s Day cards. In Sweden, people buy small plastic flowers and the money raised goes to help needy mothers and their children. Many people are against the idea of Mother’s Day as it is upsetting for children (and adults) who have lost their mother. Spare a thought for them this Mother's Day.
1.excited about 对..兴奋
例句:This is why we are so excited about this research.
2.all around the world 全世界
例句:Royalty and government leaders from all around the world are gathering in Japan.
3.take sb to 带某人去
例句:I will take you to the park.
4.a lot of 许多
例句:We have grown a lot of beautiful roses this year. 