世界节假日博览 第95期:国际护士节(在线收听

 Nurses do one of the most important jobs in the world. There is a special day for us to celebrate them. International Nurses Day (IND) is on May 12 every year. Of course, this is the anniversary of Florence Nightingale's birth. On IND, nurses take part in different events to highlight the importance of their work. They give ordinary people a chance to learn about the work they do. Many hospitals and clinics organize fund-raising events to highlight the work of nurses. IND was started in the USA in 1965. The International Council For Nurses decided it was important to have a special day to raise awareness of the important work of nurses. It is also a day for nurses to pat themselves on the back and be proud of doing such a valuable job.

Florence Nightingale is known as the founder of modern nursing. She was British, but was born in Italy in 1820. She was named after her birth place, the city of Florence. She went to good schools and her parents thought she would marry a rich gentleman, which is what all good ladies did then. However, she felt the need to help people and became a nurse. Her parents were shocked. She started her nursing career when she was 33. A year later, she went to Turkey to help British soldiers wounded in the Crimean War. She worked very long hours into the early hours of the morning and got the nickname “lady of the lamp”. She greatly improved conditions in the hospital and changed hospital care and nursing forever.
南丁格尔被誉为护士职业创始人。1820年,南丁格尔出生在意大利,但她却是英国人。因在佛罗伦萨出生,便名叫佛罗伦萨。她毕业于巍巍学府,向其它优秀女孩一样,父母认为她一定会嫁给富豪绅士。然而,她乐善好施,成为了一名护士。父母为之震惊。南丁格尔的护士生涯从33岁开始。一年后,她前往土耳其,帮助在克里米战场中受伤的英军士兵。她经常工作到凌晨,并得名“提灯女神”。南丁格尔极大改善了医院状况,医疗护理发展从此得到改善。 after 以…命名
例句: The machine is named after its inventor.
2.need to 需要
例句: You need to touch up the poem. 
3.birth place 出生地
例句: Shakespeare's birth place is visited as a shrine.
4.take part in 参加
例句: When you take part in any performance, you get out as much as you put in. 