世界节假日博览 第116期:父亲节(在线收听

 Father's Day is celebrated all around the world to say thank you to dads. An old English proverb tells how important fathers are. It says: “A father is more than a hundred schoolmasters.” Many of us perhaps think our father is even more important. There is no age limit for the person saying thank you, nor for the dad. There is no universal date when every country celebrates Father’s Day. In many countries it is on the third Sunday in June. Most fathers receive presents and cards and perhaps even a special dinner. The day has a special punctuation point. The apostrophe is placed before the ‘s’. This means we all think about our own father. Of course, if the apostrophe was placed after the ‘s’, we would be honouring all the fathers in the world.

Father’s Day historians believe the day started in Washington state in the USA. A lady called Sonora Dodd was sitting in church one Sunday in 1909, listening to a sermon on Mother’s Day. She decided it was only fair to also have a day for fathers. In 1910, she arranged a special church service to say thank you for own father. The idea took off very slowly. U.S. Presidents. from Calvin Coolidge in 1926 to Richard Nixon in 1972, supported the idea. Nixon started the permanent official Father's Day in June, 1972. Today it is a major holiday. It has become extremely commercialized, which is good and bad. The shops are so full of Father’s Day stuff, it is almost impossible to forget when the day is.