【英语趣味课堂】她的关于婚礼的故事-The Wedding - Her Story(在线收听

 Anna: I got married on May 18th, in 2002, and I wanted to have a very romantic wedding but also small and, so John and I started to have my wedding in our, my parents backyard, so we decorated the backyard and we invited just close family and friends and it was an outside wedding, it was really beautiful, and five days before the wedding it rained every single day, all day long, and the ground was really wet. It was terrible, and then the day of my wedding, the sun came out and it was a beautiful day, so sunny and we were so happy


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romantic wedding


I wanted to have a small and very romantic wedding.


A 'romantic wedding' is one that shows the love that the bride and groom have for each other.  This could be in a romantic place or more of a personalized wedding that show the personalities. Notice the following:


We had a romantic wedding on the beach.

It was a very small, romantic wedding.



We had our wedding in my parents' backyard.


Your 'backyard' is the grassy space that is behind your house. Notice the following:


The house has a big backyard for the dogs to play.

There is space in the backyard to play volleyball.



We invited just close family and friends.


In this case 'close' refers to people that are your intimate family and friends. They are interested and active your life. Notice the following:


She is really close to her mother and they talk about everything.

He only has a few close friends.

outside wedding


It was an outside wedding, and it was really beautiful.


An 'outside wedding' is one that happens outside in the open air, not in a building. Notice the following:


To have an outside wedding can cause a lot of extra stress.  You never know what the weather will be like.

They had a beautiful outside wedding in the park.

all day long


Five days before our wedding, it rained all day long every single day.


If something happens for the whole day, from the morning until the night, it happens 'all day long.' Notice the following:


You have been watching TV all day long.  Go outside.

We had a tournament this weekend and had games all day long yesterday and today.
