
Todd: Hello, Jessica.
Jessica: Hi, Todd.
Todd: Jessica, when were you born?
Jessica: I was born October 6th, 1981.
Jessica: Wow, 1981
Jessica: Yeah, that's right.
Todd: Man, you're young. Whoo! I'm an old guy.
Jessica: I'm 22 so.
Todd: Wow! My birthday is October 2nd, 1969, so we have over 10 years between us.
Jessica: Yeah, that's right.
Todd: OK, so we're both libras.
Jessica: Right.
Todd: Actually, I don't even know, what is libra? People say, oh, you're a libra? What does that mean?
Jessica: Well, Libra I think is just balance. Right, so we don't, we're not extreme, neither one way nor another, so we keep that kind of happy medium all the time and we don't ever freak out and we're just kind of mellow. Just very equal.
Todd: OK. So were very mellow, very equal.
Jessica: I think so. Kind of a nice equilibrium.
Todd: OK, well you've worked with me awhile. Am I mellow?
Jessica: I don't know. Yeah, I think so I think so
Todd: Maybe not, maybe not
Jessica: I think so, yeah, no, definitely.
Todd: Maybe I go against the sign.
Jessica: Right
Todd: OK, how about you? Are you mellow?
Jessica: I think so. When it comes, cause I don't tend to go one extreme or the other. Just kind of straight off.
Todd: Even keel.
Jessica: That's right.
Learn Vocabulary from the lesson
freak out
Libras are not extreme and don't freak out.
When you 'freak out' about something you lose control of your emotions and become overly angry, excited, stressed or frustrated. Notice the following:
My boss freaks out anytime someone makes a mistake.
I know she is going to freak out when she hears about this.
It's kind of a nice equilibrium.
An 'equilibrium' is a balance between two opposite forces. Notice the following:
She is good at keeping an equilibrium between work and fun.
He has never really had a good equilibrium in his life.  All he does is work.
Do you think I'm a mellow person?
A 'mellow' is very calm and doesn't get too excited or freak out about much. Notice the following:
Your baby is so mellow.
My dog is mellow and easy to have in the house.
I don't tend to go one extreme or the other.
What you 'tend' to do is what you commonly, usually or naturally do. It is your tendency. Notice the following:
She tends to get stressed easily.
He tends to get angry quickly when he's tired.
straight off or even keel
I'm just kind of straight off, even keel.
Used like this 'straight off' refers to someone who is balanced or doesn't go too much in one direction or the other.  'Even keel' is very similar in meaning and could be used interchangeably. Notice the following:
I try to be straight off at work, but in my personal life I am easily excited.
She is a lot more even keel now then when she was younger.