美国文化脱口秀 第338期:你能听懂这些英语段子吗(在线收听


首先,什么是White House Correspondents' Dinner?
白宫记者协会WHCA(White House Correspondents' Association),成立于1914年,由各大媒体专门负责报道白宫和总统新闻的记者们组成。
总统们的段子当然都由speech writers (专业写手)精心打磨、撰写。
Top 10 Obama Zingers 奥巴马10佳段子
Zinger: 段子,特别指挖苦、吐槽人的段子
1. "If this material works well, I'm gonna use it at Goldman Sachs next year. Earn me some serious Tubmans."
“Material”这里的意识是内容。奥马巴说如果这次演讲内容受欢迎,那明年我就拿到投行Goldman Sachs(高盛)去演讲了。
这是拿希拉里给Goldman Sachs做天价演讲的事开涮。
"Earn me some serious Tubmans". "Earn me some serious money"的意思是大赚一笔钱。Tubman是美国将在20美金纸币上印黑人废奴女领袖Harriet Tubman的头像。所以奥巴马说"earn me some serious Tubmans"的意思就是大赚一笔。
2. "I am hurt though, Bernie, that you've been distancing yourself a little from me. I mean, that's just not something that you do to your comrade."
我们节目以前说过,这次民主党的候选人之一Bernie Sanders是社会主义者,所以奥巴马叫他“Comrade", 同志。
3. "It is an honor to be here at my last, and perhaps the last, White House Correspondents Dinner. Next year this time, someone else will be standing here in this very spot, and it's anyone's guess who she will be."
"It's anyone's guess"本意是局面扑朔迷离,什么都有可能发生;
但是奥巴马说“it's anyone's guess who she will be", 大家get到这个笑点吗?
4. "Eight years ago, I was a young man, full of idealism and vigor. And look at me now."
8年前,我充满idealism(理想主义)和vigor(活力), look at me now.
5. "Bernie, you look like a million bucks, or to put it in put it in terms you'll understand, you look like 37,000 donations of $27 each."
英语里"You look like a million bucks"的意思是你超级好看,看上去就像值100万美金一样。
“To put it in terms you'll understand"的意思是“用你听得懂的话来说”;
奥巴马又拿社会主义老爷爷Bernie Sanders开玩笑。意思是你是社会主义者,反对财富阶级,所以你应该不懂100万美金是什么意思;但是你的支持者平均每人给你捐了$27美金,所以100万美金就等于37000笔小额捐款。
6. "Hilary trying to appeal to young voters is a little bit like your relative who just signed up for Facebook."
7. "And there's one area where Donald's experience could be invaluable, and that's closing Guantanamo, because Trump knows a thing or two about running waterfront properties into the ground."