英语角-圆桌会议 RoundTable0513 - 秀恩爱的底线在哪里?(在线收听

Topic 1-Chinese Cigarette Sales Drop after Rise in Tobacco Tax
Health officials have claimed victory in the battle against tobacco-related deaths. Apparently, last year's tobacco tax hike has led to a minor decrease in sales. Does a cigarette tax lead to a decrease of smoking rates? Why it is so difficult to curb smoking in China?
Topic 2-Girl Earns Big by Organizing Messy Wardrobes
Have you ever found yourself digging through your closet, desperately looking for something to wear? If your answer is yes, then you could definitely use some organization in the fashion department.
A female entrepreneur from Chengdu has recently made news for her job as a professional wardrobe organizer. Will having your own wardrobe organizer make your life better?
Topic 3-Uncivilized Behavior on Campus Including PDA
It's fine to walk with your girlfriend or boyfriend hand in hand on campus. You can even feed each other in the canteen. But if you dare to kiss in the public, you lose your chance of getting a scholarship. At least that's the case in a college in Wuhan.